From HR: No more swearing at work!


Aug 4, 2007
Denver, CO
Display Name

Display name:
I am a dad!
Dear Employees:

It has been brought to management's attention that some individuals throughout the company have been using foul language during the course of normal conversation with their co-workers.

Due to complaints received from some employees who may be easily offended, this type of language will no longer be tolerated.

We do, however, realize the critical importance of being able to accurately express your feelings when communicating with co-workers.

Therefore,a list of 18 New and Innovative 'TRY SAYING' phrases have been provided so that proper exchange of ideas and information can continue in an effective manner.

Number 1

TRY SAYING: I think you could use more training.
INSTEAD OF: You don't know what the f___ you're doing.

Number 2

TRY SAYING: She's an aggressive go-getter.
INSTEAD OF: She's a f___ing bit__.

Number 3

TRY SAYING: Perhaps I can work late.
INSTEAD OF: And when the f___ do you expect me to do this?

Number 4

TRY SAYING: I'm certain that isn't feasible.
INSTEAD OF: No f___ing way.

Number 5

INSTEAD OF: You've got to be sh___ing me!

Number 6

TRY SAYING: Perhaps you should check with...
INSTEAD OF: Tell someone who gives a sh__.

Number 7

TRY SAYING: I wasn't involved in the project.
INSTEAD OF: It's not my f___ing problem.

Number 8

TRY SAYING: That's interesting.
INSTEAD OF: What the f___?

Number 9

TRY SAYING: I'm not sure this can be implemented.
INSTEAD OF: This sh__ won't work.

Number 10

TRY SAYING: I'll try to schedule that.
INSTEAD OF: Why the f___ didn't you tell me sooner?

Number 11

TRY SAYING: He's not familiar with the issues...
INSTEAD OF: He's got his head up his a__.

Number 12

TRY SAYING: Excuse me, sir?
INSTEAD OF: Eat sh__ and die.

Number 13

TRY SAYING: So you weren't happy with it?
INSTEAD OF: Kiss my a__.

Number 14

TRY SAYING: I'm a bit overloaded at the moment.
INSTEAD OF: F__ it, I'm on salary.

Number 15

TRY SAYING: I don't think you understand.
INSTEAD OF: Shove it up your a__.

Number 16

TRY SAYING: I love a challenge.
INSTEAD OF: This f___ing job sucks.

Number 17

TRY SAYING: You want me to take care of that?
INSTEAD OF: Who the f___ died and made you boss?

Number 18

TRY SAYING: He's somewhat insensitive.
INSTEAD OF: He's a pr_ck.

Thank You,
Human Resources
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And if you ordinarily don't give a flying f***, here's your chance:


Ron Wanttaja
Sh*t, for a second there, before I read the whole posting, I thought this was for real and after the 'heated argument' excuses coming out of the NW/DL incident, that your company issued these as a guideline. LMAO this is funny!
Sh*t, for a second there, before I read the whole posting, I thought this was for real and after the 'heated argument' excuses coming out of the NW/DL incident, that your company issued these as a guideline. LMAO this is funny!

Honestly, I'm surprised we haven't gotten a memo about that yet!
It appears some of you have forgotten the rule about intentionally bypassing the obscenity filter. Please review that rule in the FAQ. Thank you.
As was discussed in a prior situation, we do not edit posts -- we leave them or delete them.

Not true- the meat of the post was removed by a moderator. It says so at the bottom of the original post.


  • Ron Lies.jpg
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Last edited: can I repost it if I fill in all the swear words and let the filter take care of them? If no, can we just delete this thread, because the point of the joke is pretty well lost and most of my original post has been deleted without my knowledge anyway.
This is all being reviewed by the management council. Please give us a little time to make sense of what all has transpired.
This is all being reviewed by the management council. Please give us a little time to make sense of what all has transpired.
Oh, I thought for a second that you said "to make sense of what the ___ has transpired." :yesnod::yikes:
Article IVXX:
(1) you are permitted to use cuss words on an internet forum.
(2) intentional bypassing of the cuss word filter is allowed.
(3) you shall be free from any and all reprimand.

Wait...I made that up. It doesn't actually say that anywhere. Hey, I know! Just abide by the rules, is that so difficult? If so, start your own board. And, um, get a life.
Article IVXX:
(1) you are permitted to use cuss words on an internet forum.
(2) intentional bypassing of the cuss word filter is allowed.
(3) you shall be free from any and all reprimand.

Wait...I made that up. It doesn't actually say that anywhere. Hey, I know! Just abide by the rules, is that so difficult? If so, start your own board. And, um, get a life.

The question is whether the rules were followed. It appears they may not have been by all parties responsible in this thread....what the MC decides will be interesting.
The question is whether the rules were followed. It appears they may not have been by all parties responsible in this thread....what the MC decides will be interesting.
So what. We're visitors here. Don't like it?

That's the hardass response. But the house always wins.

Oh yeah, I've learned a lot from a few folks here. Some of them are on the MC. In recognition for their work I say cut 'em some slack. Even if you feel it aint just.
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Oh yeah, I've learned a lot from a few folks here. Some of them are on the MC. In recognition for their work I say cut 'em some slack. Even if you feel it aint just.

That attitude is how you end up with empty forums that people don't want to visit due to overbearing management.
That attitude is how you end up with empty forums that people don't want to visit due to overbearing management.
Really? So how do you reconcile that to my statement? One one hand you have "learning a lot", on the other, you have "empty forums".

Maybe some things just aint worth talkin' 'bout.
Look, if I screwed up, fine...slap my wrist and delete the thread. Ill take my lumps if it turns out I messed up. my only complaint is with how it was handled, and I think that's what most everyone is latching on to. FWIW, it never crossed my mind that I could be circumventing anything. I just thought...hey this email is funny and I think I know a bunch of folks that would appreciate the humor. Copy, paste. my appologies to anyone I offended with the implied swearing.
My beef is the claim that threads aren't edited by a person when they clearly were. This isn't the first time this person has edited threads either...I have found evidence of earlier editing.

Let's chill out until the MC comes back with their decision, shall we?
Ve haf our rules.

Look, if I screwed up, fine...slap my wrist and delete the thread. Ill take my lumps if it turns out I messed up. my only complaint is with how it was handled, and I think that's what most everyone is latching on to. FWIW, it never crossed my mind that I could be circumventing anything. I just thought...hey this email is funny and I think I know a bunch of folks that would appreciate the humor. Copy, paste. my appologies to anyone I offended with the implied swearing.
Ve haf our rules.

Und zee rulez are applied as ve decide! vere ve decide! ven ve decide! Ja!:eek::yikes:

Ok, so that was a totally negative contribution but it does boost my post count on an otherwise slow Monday morning.:smile:
That attitude is how you end up with empty forums that people don't want to visit due to overbearing management.

You want an absolutly ****ing empty forum? Take a look at rec.aviation.piloting. It's so empty that even the ***hole trolls that ruined it don't bother any more. All that is left are the dumb **** spammers trying to sell fake Rolex watches...

(the "a" word didn't get filtered so I had to do it myself)

Moderation is never going to be perfect. Sometimes it will seem to be overbearing, and sometimes underbearing. But that's the price you pay for life without bertie the buttnip.
You want an absolutly ****ing empty forum? Take a look at rec.aviation.piloting. It's so empty that even the ***hole trolls that ruined it don't bother any more. All that is left are the dumb **** spammers trying to sell fake Rolex watches...

(the "a" word didn't get filtered so I had to do it myself)

Moderation is never going to be perfect. Sometimes it will seem to be overbearing, and sometimes underbearing. But that's the price you pay for life without bertie the buttnip.

No need to go over-the-top. Moderators need to be kept in line too.

In this particular case a light hearted post was edited on what appears to me to be very thin grounds. I'll leave it at saying there is at least one better way to achieve the desired goal and that would have been to request the original poster to edit their own post. There is absolutely no need to start off heavy handed and then try to recover from that action.
*begins search party for broken stick in a lower digestive tract*

I'll let you know what I find.
FWIW, I agree with the masses here. The "circumventing of the obscenity filter" rule had nothing to do with using "_" characters as replacements instead of the "*" characters that the actual filter uses, it had to do with using alternative characters that make it read as if it had not been edited. e.g. '@' instead of 'a'...or '|' instead if 'l'.

Basically, working hard to make the word appear even though you know it's not supposed to.
After review, the management council has decided to restore this thread. We want to continue to provide an environment that fosters the hangar talk this site became popular with. I assure you that we're trying to identify the changes that need to be made to do just that.
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After review, the management council has decided to restore this thread. We want to continue to provide an environment that fosters the hangar talk this site became popular with. I assure you that we're trying to identify the changes that need to be made to do just that.

Thank you...
2 suggestions for the MC...
  1. Ask the original poster to make the change first
  2. Please don't edit a thread and then tell us that threads are only locked or deleted, but not edited
Thank you...
2 suggestions for the MC...
  1. Ask the original poster to make the change first
  2. Please don't edit a thread and then tell us that threads are only locked or deleted, but not edited
Ditto. I thought the original post was pretty funny and not offensive at all. Maybe it would have done better in the Friday joke thread.