ForeFlight Question - Bearing vs. Course

A lesson on great circles doesn't do anything at all to help OP answer his question.
Yes it does. As stated, the two numbers are the leg bearing (i.e., bearing from the start of leg to the end of leg) and the bearing to the next WP (i.e., the bearing from the current poosition to the end of the leg). That was answered, but people kept insisting that the numbers should be the same, and I was explaining (opposed by a bunch of flat earthers) that the numbers are NOT the same over the leg except in certain degenerate cases.
I don't think most people outside of certain disciplines understand "degenerate cases". This just means special specific cases where something is true even though generally something is not. Like headings don't ever change if you're flying from/to someplace at the exact same latitude (heading always stays 90degrees off pole)

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I don't think most people outside of certain disciplines understand "degenerate cases". This just means special specific cases where something is true even though generally something is not. Like headings don't ever change if you're flying from/to someplace at the exact same latitude (heading always stays 90degrees off pole)

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Actually you're 90 degrees off. Flying from two points on the same latitude line (other than the equator), will cause a completely varying heading change. It's flying between two points on the same LONGITUDE line (i.e. directly toward or away from the poles), that leaves the bearing constant.
Yes it does. As stated, the two numbers are the leg bearing (i.e., bearing from the start of leg to the end of leg) and the bearing to the next WP (i.e., the bearing from the current poosition to the end of the leg). That was answered, but people kept insisting that the numbers should be the same, and I was explaining (opposed by a bunch of flat earthers) that the numbers are NOT the same over the leg except in certain degenerate cases.
yet another reason I don't use ForeFlight...I've flown enough systems that display irrelevant information.
yet another reason I don't use ForeFlight...I've flown enough systems that display irrelevant information.
It's up to the pilot to decide what he wants to see. Both those numbers have some relevance. Not that I'd want to see them at the same time, but it is configurable.

Or did you just post to make an unwarranted slam against a good product?
It's up to the pilot to decide what he wants to see. Both those numbers have some relevance. Not that I'd want to see them at the same time, but it is configurable.

Or did you just post to make an unwarranted slam against a good product?
To use your example, FF will display a course of 360 when your bearing to waypoint is 180...what relevance does that have?
It's handy when you're displaying the leg information before you get to it.
Actually you're 90 degrees off. Flying from two points on the same latitude line (other than the equator), will cause a completely varying heading change. It's flying between two points on the same LONGITUDE line (i.e. directly toward or away from the poles), that leaves the bearing constant.

Yep! Wrote too quickly...

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