Taxi to Parking
I've always been curious about EFB market share from a business perspective. I know Foreflight is the assumed market leader but if that's the case by how much? Has anyone ever seen a pie chart or statistics showing EFB by platform (Ipad, Android, C64), then a breakout of various EFB products and compare that to the active pilot population?
I don't think any of them are releasing user data, so really nobody knows. I suppose each company individually can tell what percentage of the entire pilot population is using their particular product, but relatively, it's an unknown.
That said, we did a survey of my 30-member flying club to inform our purchase of a new ADS-B transponder. 28 of the 30 flew with iPads (one with a Garmin portable GPS, one with paper charts still) - Even the guy who worked for Google had an iPad to fly with.
27 out of the 28 iPad users used ForeFlight, with the other one using Garmin Pilot. So, 90% market share within the scope of our club. (Yes, that's statistically insignificant, but still pretty interesting.)