Foode Poisoning or Newly-Developed Allergy?


Touchdown! Greaser!
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Feb 27, 2005
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Spike Cutler
Couple of weeks back, about 1.5 hours after eating sushi for lunch (at a place to which I have been a number of times without issue), was taken with what I presumed to be food poisoning - severe diarrhea, flushed complection, felt like dukey. Went home, Imodiumed-up, felt like crap the next day (but better than had been), then after the second day, all better. Was not sure of what caused it, but had eaten a couple of different things than my usual fare, as well as some old faves.

So I loves me some sushi, and today, figuring I had to get back on that horsie some time, I went back, avoiding the "different" hings I had eaten before.

Well, no bathroom issues, but feel equally bad, same stuff - flushed, feel weak, feel hot (not really feverish), arggh.

So is it possible I have developed a heretofore-unknown allergy, perhaps to the crabmeat / shellfish?

Took two Benadryl tonight, hoping for the best manana.
Spike a few things.

First don't reach for immodium at the first sign of diarriah. Vomiting and the runs are the bodys way of getting rid of bad stuff in the GI tract. Better to stand by the porcelin and let the body flush it out.

Second, I once got very ill on spagetti with clam sauce. Oh man was I sick. There after for years I could not eat it, I really think it was just anxiety about getting sick again to be honest.

Suggestions: Perhaps try sushi at a different restaurant and see how you feel. I would get tested for a seafood allergy first.

Feel better my friend.
Ooch! Sorry about the splatters and other malaise. I keep thinking maybe I should try that stuff, but something about it just don't seem right to a country boy. I don't think anybody has ever gotten sick eating fried catfish & oysters.
Chuckle! :D

I'm a sushi addict (no need to PM me your voodoo, Doc -- I gotta die of something, may as well be a heavenly albacore nigiri, all with that ponzu sauce! )

I probably get the nagasaki soup-ass like you describe once every 20 times or so.. it usually corresponds to the lower rent places, new places, or deviating from the normal stuff. I always see it coming and can curse "those damn spicy tentacle hentai hand rolls" or whatever it was.

Annoyingly, my girl either does not suffer my odds, or does not admit to them. Either way is acceptable to me.

I rationalize it one of two ways:

1. The odds are still better for me with sushi than at the local taco joint, Clown Burger, anything served out of a cart or truck, and even my beloved Waffle House (of which we have none here in Los Angeles -- preventing me from permanently developing the proper gravy-antibodies)

2. The Japanese probably owe me a bad turn or two, after that war, so I figure it's all fair. A patriotic debt if you will.

If I developed an allergy to Sushi, I would no longer need a High Performance aircraft, such would be the weight savings of the crew :)

Roll with it (ha, snort) -- it's a gastro-adventure!

$0.02 :)

- Mike
I want my food dead. Really, really dead.
I agree cooked too.

I probably get the nagasaki soup-ass like you describe once every 20 times or so..
I know alot of people that try to get me to eat sushi. But they all seem to say the same thing Mike said.

Why would I eat something if 1 out of 20 time I will get sick?
I know alot of people that try to get me to eat sushi. But they all seem to say the same thing Mike said.
I love sushi. I've never gotten sick on it and I've eaten it all my life, since before it was popular. I also like my meat rare to medium rare and my eggs over easy...

I have gotten sick from fried food, however.
I tried sushi once, for a girl.

I'll never try it again.

"Try something simple, easy to do. California roll doesn't have fish, start there."

Bite.....OMG, its fishy!! eww...ew..ewwww!!!!

"Ok, try the tuna, its not really like tuna, its different.

Bite......OMG!!! It tastes like tuna!!! eww...ew..ewwwww!!!!

"Well, then try the New Mexico Roll, its just green chile!"

Bite......OMG!!! Its green chile, and SALMON!!! ewww...ew..ewwwwww!!!

And that was it. :D
I tried sushi once, for a girl.

I'll never try it again.

"Try something simple, easy to do. California roll doesn't have fish, start there."

Bite.....OMG, its fishy!! eww...ew..ewwww!!!!

"Ok, try the tuna, its not really like tuna, its different.

Bite......OMG!!! It tastes like tuna!!! eww...ew..ewwwww!!!!

"Well, then try the New Mexico Roll, its just green chile!"

Bite......OMG!!! Its green chile, and SALMON!!! ewww...ew..ewwwwww!!!

And that was it. :D

Then don't come to Tokyo with me. Last December an engineer I was with introduced me to a sushi place on the edge of the Ginza that was so good the locals were standing in line outside waiting for a table. It was an easy walk from our hotel (Imperial). We went back the next night. And I have never (knock on wood) gotten sick eating sushi. My wife looks at that and sushimi and says, "How can you eat that stuff?" and I reply, "Because it's good!"
Couple of weeks back, about 1.5 hours after eating sushi for lunch (at a place to which I have been a number of times without issue), was taken with what I presumed to be food poisoning - severe diarrhea, flushed complection, felt like dukey. Went home, Imodiumed-up, felt like crap the next day (but better than had been), then after the second day, all better. Was not sure of what caused it, but had eaten a couple of different things than my usual fare, as well as some old faves.

So I loves me some sushi, and today, figuring I had to get back on that horsie some time, I went back, avoiding the "different" hings I had eaten before.

Well, no bathroom issues, but feel equally bad, same stuff - flushed, feel weak, feel hot (not really feverish), arggh.

So is it possible I have developed a heretofore-unknown allergy, perhaps to the crabmeat / shellfish?

Took two Benadryl tonight, hoping for the best manana.

That's a tough one. I suppose it could be bacterial (or maybe parasitic) in origin. But it also sounds a little like when I started to become allergic to shellfish.

I started eating shellfish as a very young child, but not very often. My family always had the big shellfish spread on Christmas eve, like many Italian families. Other than that, though, we'd only have shellfish maybe five or six time a year, and not nearly as much as we'd have on Christmas eve.

By the time I was in my early twenties, I'd feel a little... just out of sorts, really, after eating shellfish. Slightly flushed, slightly tired, face burning very slightly. By my late 20's, I would get diarrhea, in addition to worse manifestations of the above. By my 30's, I pretty much avoided shellfish altogether.

In my early 40's, I started selectively eating various kinds of shellfish to see if I could narrow down which kinds made me sick. I'm still working on that rather half-heartedly, but the process could take many years because I only have shellfish once a year these days. So far I've determined that neither shrimp nor baked clams seem to cause me any problems.

I may abandon the experiment, however. I have decided that I like fish fish better, anyway. You know, the kind with fins and scales that look like, well, fish. So I doubt I'll do the shellfish thing for much longer. I'll take a striped bass steak instead -- and cooked, thank you.

Then don't come to Tokyo with me. Last December an engineer I was with introduced me to a sushi place on the edge of the Ginza that was so good the locals were standing in line outside waiting for a table. It was an easy walk from our hotel (Imperial). We went back the next night. And I have never (knock on wood) gotten sick eating sushi. My wife looks at that and sushimi and says, "How can you eat that stuff?" and I reply, "Because it's good!"

No one has mentioned my favorite, uni! YUM!
Ooch! Sorry about the splatters and other malaise. I keep thinking maybe I should try that stuff, but something about it just don't seem right to a country boy. I don't think anybody has ever gotten sick eating fried catfish & oysters.

Oh, I've gotten sick regularly from fried food. Last summer had dinner at Eskimo Joe's in Stillwater, OK and was convinced to have some of these lard-covered double-dipped quadruple-fried cheeze fries. My stomach was not happy. Sushi and meat cooked rare? Yum... never a problem yet, been eating it all my life.

Chicken friend steak? Chicken is a noun, not an adjective.

Spike: Feel better!
As I write this sitting in a hotel in NYC, I'm recovering from what I think is a bad case of food poisoning. Had meetings at a lawyers offices yesterday and he served roast beef sandwiches for lunch. Two hours later I was bent over the porcelain God unloading lunch, previous night's dinner and most likely my shoes! Fever, sweats, chills all night with the last run to the bathroom coming at midnight.

Nothing like being sick in a hotel room in some distant place feeling awfully alone. Kept having visions of them finding my body sprawled on the bathroom floor.

Feel like crap this morning but the stomach is no longer in outright rebellion. May try a bagel for breakfast.
But it also sounds a little like when I started to become allergic to shellfish.
I remember my mom becoming allergic to shellfish when I was a kid (she would have been around 50). Oddly it went away when she was in her 80s and now she can eat as much as she wants.
Man Now I want to go to a Sushi place for lunch...

Anyone else here like Beef Tartare?
Couple of weeks back, about 1.5 hours after eating sushi for lunch (at a place to which I have been a number of times without issue), was taken with what I presumed to be food poisoning - severe diarrhea, flushed complection, felt like dukey. Went home, Imodiumed-up, felt like crap the next day (but better than had been), then after the second day, all better. Was not sure of what caused it, but had eaten a couple of different things than my usual fare, as well as some old faves.

It's really strange how certain "foods" can cause a problem. A while back I began getting indigestion, diarrhea, and even vomiting every third day or so. Couldn't connect it to anything I was eating. Them one morning I was out of orange juice and had my hot tea with honey instead and was sick by noon. Turns out I had bought a jar of local honey that was not pasteurized. Who'd ever suspect honey, the food that never goes bad.
I remember my mom becoming allergic to shellfish when I was a kid (she would have been around 50). Oddly it went away when she was in her 80s and now she can eat as much as she wants.

My grandmother had the opposite problem - when she hit 80 or so she had a violent allergic reaction to shellfish, and didn't eat it after that. Never had it in her life. Go figure!
I only ever got sick from food once, and that was at a picnic in Mexico that gave me tourisma, as they call it in that part of the world. I tried to make them feel better by saying that their bacteria were simply different from the ones we had in the states, and that they'd get sick if they came to my city. The kids bought into that at any rate.

I think I must have had Superman's immune system in those days, as I played a game of trying to find the nastiest taco shack in Mexico city to eat in. My Mexican pal with whom I was staying even thought I was nuts, he said he wouldn't eat in those places. The food was really good though.

I could do without sushi in a heartbeat, only because here in the midwest it tastes like paste. One of few things I really don't like about living here, harder to get good sushi. We make it ourselves for New Years.
Spike! I found a cure for ya:
I tried sushi once, for a girl.

Amazing the **** we do for love. I got my tongue pierced for a girl. It was the worst 4 hr of my life. couldn't talk, think or otherwise... kind of like being in love only worse.

Now Sushi is great as long as you are in the right place. salmon is the first to go. Many good places here on the island. Bad food is bad food, but bad sushi is deadly.
Then don't come to Tokyo with me. Last December an engineer I was with introduced me to a sushi place on the edge of the Ginza that was so good the locals were standing in line outside waiting for a table. It was an easy walk from our hotel (Imperial). We went back the next night. And I have never (knock on wood) gotten sick eating sushi. My wife looks at that and sushimi and says, "How can you eat that stuff?" and I reply, "Because it's good!"

+1. You need to try a couple of the places down at the Tsukiji - sushi for breakfast.... doesn't get much fresher than the Tsukiji.

As I write this sitting in a hotel in NYC, I'm recovering from what I think is a bad case of food poisoning. Had meetings at a lawyers offices yesterday and he served roast beef sandwiches for lunch. Two hours later I was bent over the porcelain God unloading lunch, previous night's dinner and most likely my shoes! Fever, sweats, chills all night with the last run to the bathroom coming at midnight.

Nothing like being sick in a hotel room in some distant place feeling awfully alone. Kept having visions of them finding my body sprawled on the bathroom floor.

Feel like crap this morning but the stomach is no longer in outright rebellion. May try a bagel for breakfast.

Agree completely. Worse yet is having to get back on a plane in the AM after that kind of episode. Pretty much being sick of any kind while on travel is a bad deal.

Probably the most "memorable" situation I had like that was a small restaurant near a Heathrow I was staying at. I know, I know, don't eat British food. SOmetimes you have little choice.
Probably the most "memorable" situation I had like that was a small restaurant near a Heathrow I was staying at. I know, I know, don't eat British food. SOmetimes you have little choice.

John Cleese explains it saying: "We had an Empire to run."
Amazing the **** we do for love. I got my tongue pierced for a girl. It was the worst 4 hr of my life. couldn't talk, think or otherwise... kind of like being in love only worse.

A friend of mine and I were talking about stupid things men do for women. Once a couple of girls got him to try some crack. When I asked him why he went for it, his response: "They were really hot!" Makes me feel better about the stupid things I do... like burn lots and lots of AvGas.

Now Sushi is great as long as you are in the right place. salmon is the first to go. Many good places here on the island. Bad food is bad food, but bad sushi is deadly.

Sushi is yummy. That's under the category of things I'll do because I want to, but if the girl wants to think I did it for her is just fine, I'll take the credit. ;)
I've only had sushi once, and it was at a place I'd like to go back to, if only I could remember the name!

It was in Miami, but I got the feeling it was a chain. Japanese restaurant, and they had four different "menus" on four different colors of paper. You'd just write down whatever quantity you wanted of whatever, and they'd keep coming out with whatever you ordered. It was like a buffet only you never had to serve anything (or even stand up, for that matter).

Anyone have a clue what this place is? I liked it simply because I could order just a little of a whole bunch of different things, and then order more of the ones I really liked.
I've only had sushi once, and it was at a place I'd like to go back to, if only I could remember the name!

It was in Miami, but I got the feeling it was a chain. Japanese restaurant, and they had four different "menus" on four different colors of paper. You'd just write down whatever quantity you wanted of whatever, and they'd keep coming out with whatever you ordered. It was like a buffet only you never had to serve anything (or even stand up, for that matter).

Anyone have a clue what this place is? I liked it simply because I could order just a little of a whole bunch of different things, and then order more of the ones I really liked.
Pretty much every sushi restaurant I have every been in has this option. Don't order the set menus from the big menu, ask for the sheet with the individual selections. Then you just select the individual pieces that you want on that sheet.
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