Food Caused Dizzyness?


Oct 28, 2013
Roswell, GA
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Yesterday evening, after enjoying a track day at Atlanta Motorsports Park, I stopped at a Panda Express for dinner. I had some chow mein, orange chicken, string bean chicken, and iced tea. I've eaten all those things numerous time with no problems. I drove home, and about two hours after I ate I started feeling a little lightheaded, then a little dizzy, then a lot dizzy, like I'd never experienced in my entire life. I tried lying down, but that was intolerable, so I sat upright on the bed with a trash can nearby. After about 15 minutes, that trash can became useful, and a few minutes after that, the dizzyness abated and I was able to get to sleep.

Has anyone else experienced something like this, and what do you supposed the cause was. My wife suggested I may have had some mild food poisoning, but I've never heard of that causing dizzyness.
I hope the doctors on the forum chime in, I “know a guy” who started having the same issues when he got married and his wife used a lot of a specific Hispanic food seasoning that was mostly monosodium glutamate. After extensively recording everything he ate and when he had the symptoms there was a 100% corilation to the msg and symptoms. Asian cooking also incorporates the use of msg. He still has to be very careful to avoid glutamates in his diet, almost like it has become a developed allergy.
although never formally diagnosed in my cases, I've experienced it a few times. The worst couple of events, in those moments just before the "trash can" became useful, I knew with absolute certainty exactly what the culprit was..... no question it was food poisoning.
My first and worst case was so bad that in hindsight I should have gone to the hospital. It lasted days over a Thanksgiving break. Good thing I was visiting my parents for the holiday so my mommy could take care of me... I was young and single at the time so I was glad it happened on my way to their house. It hit me when I was about an hour out, I probably shouldn't have driven the rest of the way but I was in the middle of nowhere and had no idea where to get help.