Flying an non-IFR certified aircraft legally in IMC?

My idea of "slightly-dissimilar" includes non-identical aircraft of similar configuration, thrust/drag, speed/climb, and power response characteristics, like maybe a Grumman Cheetah and a 180 Cherokee or Archer. I'd say it does not include a Bonanza and an L-39. Beyond that, my experience tells me to be very conservative, especially for a formation takeoff.

Yeah that Bonanza and L-39 kinda reminds me of the Valkyrie crash in 66, that is an extremely-dissimilar aircraft.
No offense but if you had any ifr training you would know not to ever take off from an airport in ifr conditions without the ability to immediately return to that same airport if anything goes wrong. Kind of hard to program a return approach into equipment that doesn't exist or has failed.

Sorry but you're wrong.