Well, I've certainly received a lot of good info from this post. Thanks to all. However, it now looks like my options are fewer at KMYR since they just shut down the VOR for 8 mos. and that alternate miss using the VOR wouldn't available. So, for me I couldn't get in there if I wanted to on (my) instruments with the opposite direction ILS also now affected as well with an NDB required, and, of course, the last available to me, the VOR/DME approach is gone too. Maybe for an alternate miss they could plant me on one of the ILS's at a DME point as an alternate but we'd all be scrambling. Sooner or later I will have to get on board with RNAV but for now I'll be looking at alternate routing with KFLO (Florence) looking like the best fuel stop on my route to Clearwater, FL.