

Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
is there a way to choose an existing flight plan and simply reverse it, then save that one as new (leaving the original intact)?
from trying it a few minutes, i'd say no...if you modify a plan it overwrites the original. You would have to use the file new flt plan button to create the reverse.
Thks thought I just couldn't find the right button. Might recommend it to them.
Thks thought I just couldn't find the right button. Might recommend it to them.
You'd probably meet with success! They seem to be very open to feedback in my experience. (Though I admit that their interface is a little cluttered!) I'm waiting to hear back from Keith on the best mobile URL to use for the Droid! They've been very responsive when I've requested new airports (e.g. Diana's) or new aircraft profiles.
Scott responded in minutes. He points out there is not a huge gain as most of the entries have to be renewed anyway. I said it might save a few keystrokes/pages but don't think I convinced him. Nice guy.
I'd like to have a better interface with use on my BlackBerry (i.e. one that works). Maybe I'll send an eMail.
He's also told me my best bet is to download Opera on my BlackBerry. BlackBerry made a junky browser, which I know. I'm hoping Firefox gets its BlackBerry version done soon.

Impressive customer support!