Florida aircraft owners w/outdoor tiedowns.

This was 2004. Each storm was 3 weeks apart. We live a little south of Haines City, so we got pounded that year. Charlie was the worst, but the other two were pretty rough, too. We lost power for a week or more with each one.

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Childs play compared to being 15 feet underwater or having the house smashed to the ground. At 8' MSL and < 3 miles from the coast, I'm evacuating. I didn't used to, I weathered those 2004 storms and Charlie at 8' MSL, but I think it was foolish. I'd evacuate today.
Childs play compared to being 15 feet underwater or having the house smashed to the ground. At 8' MSL and < 3 miles from the coast, I'm evacuating. I didn't used to, I weathered those 2004 storms and Charlie at 8' MSL, but I think it was foolish. I'd evacuate today.

If I lived there, so would I. But I don’t, so I won’t.
Used aircraft prices have shot up in the past few years. Make sure your insurance coverage accurately reflects the current value of your airplane. Yes, this will entail a higher premium, most likely, but if your plane is totaled, you want to be able to afford a replacement.
