Taxi to Parking
A few years ago, I got a call from a very senior mgr I worked with at another company.He desperately needed a senior software person that understood how to get a product out the door. Out west, unless it’s law firm or financial, grey/blue pinstripe suit is not needed. But a nice casual suit or slacks and jacket are fine. I dressed a bit more upscale and walked into a room of children. 8 engineers all in Tshirts and jeans/shorts. Went thru the interview and privately chatted with the mgr after. Told him I had no interest in being a parent to an unruly group. He laughed and said that’s why he needed me - to teach them about schedules, deliverables, etc. Nope but thanks anyway.
When I was on the hiring side of the table, we dressed as courtesy to the interviewee.
I teach upper division software, and I always spend at least 2 class periods discussing resumes, interviews and attire. Fortunately, most of my students are in the late 20s to early 30s and understand.
And one of the best companies around here that does software is all jeans and t shirts and about as far from unprofessional as you can get. Maybe it's not the clothes than make the person.