Line Up and Wait
Okay, looking through what you've got to try and see where you may have erred in the paper calculations... I also punched your route into ForeFlight, including the waypoints as close as I could get them, and the 90 knots/4.1 gph figures from your flight plan sheet, so I've got ForeFlight showing pretty much what your screen shot had.
First of all, what winds aloft are you using for the first (climb) leg? The only winds I see on your sheet are the ones at 4500, 260 at 39 knots. On your course of 249, that'll be slightly from your right, but your wind correction angle is listed as 5 degrees left. I would suggest that for the climb you use the winds aloft at 3000 feet interpolated between the AVP and EMI forecasts. Later in the flight, you'll be much closer to EMI, so for the last legs at 4500, the EMI winds interpolated between 3000 and 6000 might make more sense. Either way, IMO you should put the winds aloft that you're using for each leg on that leg's line, that's why all those spaces are there. You may have calculated the first leg correctly if you're using different winds than you are for the rest of the flight, but without knowing what those are, it's difficult to tell.
Second - Your total distance is a bit longer (51.4) than ForeFlight says (50). Check to be sure you're not rounding up on all your legs or something.
Third - On the first leg, there's something wrong. You've got it listed as 54 knots GS, 5.4nm, and 8 minutes. 54 knots for 5.4nm is 6 minutes; Or if you're using 8 minutes as your time to climb, 8 minutes at 54 knots would be 7.2 nm.
Fourth - On the third and fourth legs, you've got 12nm and 10nm as the distances, respectively, but 13 minutes for the time on both of them.
Now, on any of the electronic flight planners that didn't have you enter different speeds/fuel burns for climb, cruise and descent (such as ForeFlight) you may end up with a slightly higher fuel burn and total time on paper because you're taking into account the slower, thirstier climb while they may not be. Also, I believe ForeFlight has a system that results in a "gridded" winds aloft scheme that, while based on the forecasts you're using, is doing a much more complex interpolation so if the winds aloft forecast stations surrounding your flight are showing winds that differ from each other significantly, and you're only using one of them, the calculations will be different.
Hope this helps, let us know what you discover!
Not allot of time to make a full reply right now. In between service calls at the moment but I took my first leg, AKA ground to TOC , based on ground winds and direction as rcvd from the Atis at KRDG.
As for the distances being off, I did notice that last night , but figured it being somewhat due to being brain scrambled , and having to use two sectional for the trip and some rounding. Kinda lazy on my part with that........ I was not really concerned about those at the time as my main issue was the headings. So that may be what you picked up on with those calculations. I do see there are a bunch more replies , so I will try to address them tonight when I get home.
I have a night XC planned tonight directly after work with the instructor and need to get done with my calls , so I can go fly