Flight planning forms -- how come no runway info on them?

hmmm not so sure Dave. Im pretty sure that any runways that have Right Patterns are listed, whether they are preferred or not.

That is true Tony, and I believe in a no wind situation, those are also the preferred runway, right? For example in the case I listed, the town is below a left pattern for rwy 14, so they want the right pattern so as to avoid the town when possible. In any event, at least one runway number is given in these type of sectional listings, pertaining to the original posted question of this thread.
yea, im pretty sure runway preference has nothing to do with what goes on sectional. in this case, and likely in many others with similar situations, it turns out to be true, but wouldnt a left pattern to the opposite runway keep you away from town too?

AFD would have more of that type of information.
yea, im pretty sure runway preference has nothing to do with what goes on sectional. in this case, and likely in many others with similar situations, it turns out to be true, but wouldnt a left pattern to the opposite runway keep you away from town too?

AFD would have more of that type of information.

Yes it does in that case.

I'm also now looking at Friday Harbor (FRH) which has listed RP 16, 34.
Certainly, there's no substitute for cross checking data and additional information found in the green AFD which should be current and on board for every flight.
Sectionals don't list preferred runways. All they do is tell you which ones have right traffic. Only the A/FD will give you preferred runway information.
Sectionals don't list preferred runways. All they do is tell you which ones have right traffic. Only the A/FD will give you preferred runway information.

Thank you!

Now, where the heck did this thing about preferred runways get started??? :dunno:
Another example is my former home - KAEG - sectional lists "RP 22, 35" 35 is most definitely not one of the preferred runways.
And down here 'round Crawford. . . , you learn to draw a line on the sectional to stay clear of it. :yes: :yes: :yes:


By the way...is "Crawford" actually ON the sectional? I knew I was flying around something, but couldn't identify it positively ;)

Fly safe!

By the way...is "Crawford" actually ON the sectional? I knew I was flying around something, but couldn't identify it positively ;)

Fly safe!


Crawford is on the sectional, but the ranch isn't.

We've got some very good friends outside of Crawford who raise honest-to-God working Border Collies. Their place neighbors right up to the Bush's place and they've had dinner with George and Laura on a number of occasions going all the way bcak to when he was Governor of Texas.

I keep waiting for an invite. . . my wife interviewed Bush a number of times when he was governor and she was still with the national media and I knew his protection detail (DPS troopers) and know a handful of his USSS detail.

He hardly spends any time at his ranch anymore. It's a beautiful place. Fantastic country. Great place to relax. He just doesn't get to spend much time down there.

No way in hell I'd want his job. No freaking way.



Please tell us you haven't been teaching that to your students.

No I haven't, but I remembered I did make that same mis-statement once but caught it when cross checking in the AFD, about that same runway (RP 14 @ S43, Harvey Field, WA) many years ago in spite of going in and out of there tons of times before then and since then!

I always double or triple check things when flying but I wrote the problem post without doing that, which just goes to further prove what we've all been told about getting complacent with things that we do often.

Tony caught it and pointed it out immediately. In this case it actually is the preferred runway with no wind, but obviously not so with many other airport runways that list RP with the runway number on the sectional.
No way in hell I'd want his job. No freaking way.


Back when I was in grade school, I had a math teacher who said he wouldn't wish the job of President of the US on his worst enemy. That's about how I feel.

Of course, I also agree with the old axiom that anyone who wants the job really shouldn't have it. Makes me think back to Douglas Adams, and the President of the Universe, who always asked God for advice.

God was his cat's name. :yes:

Kind of leaves us in a quandry, don't it?