Flight club at FFC (Atlanta area)

Anil Kowatra

Filing Flight Plan
Jan 28, 2017
Atlanta GA
Display Name

Display name:
Anil Kowatra
I have several airplanes available in Atlanta area. Please contact me if you are interested.

At present I have Cirrus SR20 (Gen 2) at LZU, Cessna 150 and 152 at WDR, Cessna 172 at CVC, Piper Cherokee 180 at Lenora, Piper Cherokee 180 and Piper Apache Geronimo Conversion at FFC. I can lease out for short term for time building or yearly membership.
The first rule of Flight Club is...always talk about Flight Club.
My apologies, here are rates.
Cirrus SR20 $200/hr
Cessna 177 $125/hr
Cessna 150 $85/hr
Cessna 152 $90/hr
Piper Geronimo $230/hr
For Cirrus 60 hours/year commitment is required. All others in 10 hours blocks.