Flight Aware and Souls On Board


Mar 11, 2012
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Anyway to find the Souls on Board for a flight that was completed earlier tonight?
I doubt, I bet this type of info is something airlines might want to withhold for competitive reasons.
I doubt, I bet this type of info is something airlines might want to withhold for competitive reasons.

Maybe in the old days, but these days everything is cooperative code sharing.
For private planes?

The info would list the same way. I'm not sure if you can pull up their actual flight plan through Flightaware, or if FA even gets that, my suspicion is not. Is that info on the controller's strip? I've only had one emergency when IFR and the controller asked souls onboard.
On top of our printed flight plan/release where we list ZFW/ TO Wgt/ Trim setting/, etc we have a column for passengers and it's verified through the W&B on the LPC.

This information is there in case of an emergency and ATC needs to know.

And no, we do not share that information with anyone, only ATC if requested.
Souls on board, color, pilot name, alternate, fuel on board, etc... are not only not on the strip, I don't think the controllers even have automated access to them (they have to call Flight Circus).
Always wondered why you file souls aboard,and when you have a problem the controller asks,how many souls aboard?
Most of the flight plan form is primarily for S&R after you're noticed missing.