fit like a glove


Gastons CRO (Chief Dinner Reservation Officer)
Mar 9, 2005
Wichita, KS
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I had a nice flight in my Cherokee II on Saturday. It's been a while (last october) since I flew it but getting back in was no sweat. I've gotten so comfortable in it, particularly last season where I spent about 50 hours in it, that it just feels like a natural extension of my being. From the moment we lifted off it was like going back home.

Had an enjoyable ~1 hour soaring flight late in the afternoon. I gaggled with one of my students in the club Ka-6. We both had so much fun chasing each others tails around a thermal. we set out for a few miles to try to do a short cross country but never found another thermal. A marginal glide back to the airport ensued and she wisely picked a good field and once she got low enough committed to landing in it. I was ahead of her and higher and was still working towards the airport. Once I saw her airbakes out I knew she was landing so circled to watch it. It was a rough landing but she was OK. I figured I got her into the pickle I might as well join her so I radioed our position to ground (airport was only 3 miles away) and down i went. Field had powerlines on the approach and a barbed wire fence at the end but was adequate in length. I made a nice low energy approach over the wires with sufficient clearance then slipped it in and rolled to a stop about 100 yards from her. We had a lot of fun!
Awesome.....had to feel good climbing back in and getting in the air. One of these days I'm going to try it, the quiet has to be a great feeling.

Check you out pulling up short.....always the gentleman, getting it on the ground with the student which I'm sure added a comfort factor. It also made for another good hangar flying future episode.
Cherokee II??
Cherokee II??

yes my glider is a Cherokee II, designed by Stan Hall. His "Cherokee" was a two seater that he designed and built in the 30's and was eventually destroyed. His Cherokee II was designed before the Piper Cherokee I'm pretty sure.
that it just feels like a natural extension of my being. From the moment we lifted off it was like going back home.

That's how I feel every time I fly a Tail dragger.
yes my glider is a Cherokee II, designed by Stan Hall. His "Cherokee" was a two seater that he designed and built in the 30's and was eventually destroyed. His Cherokee II was designed before the Piper Cherokee I'm pretty sure.
Ah! I learned something new...thanks for the explanation!