First Snow!

I like our snow removal system much better - RAIN! Much easier on the back. :P
I like our snow removal system much better - RAIN! Much easier on the back. :P

Yep. We'll have rain this weekend so a lot of the above will be gone on its own. I'm learning that the sun does a decent job, too.

I'm so glad I bust my hump clearing the whole driveway so half the county can use it to turn around. :no: (You kids get off my lawn! :D )
Yep. We'll have rain this weekend so a lot of the above will be gone on its own. I'm learning that the sun does a decent job, too.

I'm so glad I bust my hump clearing the whole driveway so half the county can use it to turn around. :no: (You kids get off my lawn! :D )
Last year my Beverly Hillbilly neighbor actually used my driveway to put the snow from his driveway. I caught him doing it. He is a arse, I got the blower out and blew it right back into his driveway.
Last year my Beverly Hillbilly neighbor actually used my driveway to put the snow from his driveway. I caught him doing it. He is a arse, I got the blower out and blew it right back into his driveway.

With a bit more for good measure, I hope. What a maroon!
Last year my Beverly Hillbilly neighbor actually used my driveway to put the snow from his driveway. I caught him doing it. He is a arse, I got the blower out and blew it right back into his driveway.

With a bit more for good measure, I hope. What a maroon!

I think the garden hose would called for after the second blow... you know, to make sure it stays put. :D
Last year my Beverly Hillbilly neighbor actually used my driveway to put the snow from his driveway. I caught him doing it. He is a arse, I got the blower out and blew it right back into his driveway.

I've done the same with leaves.

In my new house, folks are pretty good, though I do have a neighbor that has yet to clean up any of her leaves this year.
I've done the same with leaves.

In my new house, folks are pretty good, though I do have a neighbor that has yet to clean up any of her leaves this year.

I just let the leaves turn to mulch. Much easier and cheaper. :yes:
I note that the "Guaranteed to Start" warranty says it must start in two pulls. It's NEVER been two pulls. It started today from cobwebs and the whole summer off, but it took 10 or so pulls.
Same type of thing on the lawnmower. But it does seem to work on the first pull most of the time. usually only that first start of the year takes a bit more.