For those who would like details here they are:
I got to the airport early so I went to the FBO to tell them to top off the tanks. Then I saw Mark and Agatha said Hi to them.
Went to the flt school & Bobby told me to take Lima Kilo. She was just washed. Preflight the airplane, there is water in the pitot tube. "Uh Bobby, there is wter in the pitot tube. Brook they just washed will it dry out....uh yeah." He was getting ready for an intro flight. I don't think he wanted me going out there & back w/o a magnetic compass.
Everything is good. I started the plane. Get my wx and rwys & set the freqs in the radios. Bobby and his pax are taxxing to the rwy. I follow behind.
Do the run up...over 100 drop on the left mag. Burned the carbon off it.
Take the active and climb to 1000 feet and turn so I could cross over midfield and flew to my heading. 2000 feet get her set up for cruise flight. About 7 miles out I called Harnett Co and let them know I was coming from the east inbound for landing rwy 5.
Man was it bumpy.
Crossed over mid field came around to enter on a 45* left downwind for rwy 5. Called base turned base and then final. Touched down pretty nicely. My heart was racing so I had to pull off and go get a soda, sit for a few minuites and think about what I had just done.
I spoke with a few guys at the FBO...they complimented my plane and how nice she looked. I have to go back. Say goodbye to the guys I met and thew my purse in the back seat. Well when I went to move my seat up, my purse fell out of the door. I started the plane up made my radio calls & I hear..."Missy taxiing to rwy 5 @ Harnett Co., you dropped your purse. Just pull around and let us taxi up to the fuel pump."
Oh man, how embarassing, but I was glad he was there to tell me about it.
I parked the plane again, jumped out...grabbed my bag, and got in the plane, started her up, and announced I was taxiing to rwy 5. Did my runup far away from the gliders.
There were lots of gliders that yesterday. I waved to them as I taxiied to take the active. Took off....found my heading...made my radio calls. Found my check points and saw the wind was blowing me off a little bit...corrected for it. Then JNX came up pretty quick.
Went through all my chk lists and annoucned I was going to enter on a 45* left downwind for rwy 3. "LK were out here doing ILS appchs....let us know when you turn base....we then will break off the appch and go missed." "Will do..LK" a little later..."LK base rwy 3" ...."LK do you have us in site....Yes, LK has traffic in site.....ok we are breaking off the appch now."
Came in and bounced, and had a nice recovery.
All in all a great lesson.
Thanks for listening (reading) my story.