Pattern Altitude
Congrats Brookadoodle!
Henning said:I can't think of one instructor who would send you on a fifty miler without sending you to the neighbors place first. It's part of the natural order.
flyingcheesehead said:Mine did... But my training schedule was a little different than average. It went like this: Solo on Saturday morning, first cross country with CFI Saturday afternoon, second x/c with CFI on Sunday morning, first solo x/c Sunday afternoon. Fast forward two weeks, second solo x/c on Saturday morning, long solo x/c Saturday afternoon, and all 3 hours of night training that night. 7.2 of my 42.6 hours were done that day. Two weeks later was more solo work and mock checkrides, two weeks after that was the real thing.
HPNFlyGirl said:Wow talk about the quick, quick version.
flyingcheesehead said:So, I'm pretty sure what he did to me on my first solo X/C was on purpose. I was using the ASA flight planning forms and the format got me screwed up. I ended up calculating my heading off of my groundspeed rather than my desired course. He reviewed my planning and let me go. I got up in the air and went "Oops... Heading 104 to Rockford? I don't think so..." So I pointed down my course and figured out a rough wind correction angle and got where I was going. Lesson learned.
Then I made up for the quickie private training by taking freakin' forever to get my IR.