First A/C Carrier Photos

Sorry but that is not a carrier. It was the first US ship with aircraft launch capabilities.

Good ol Langley was the first carrier. Once her Coal hauling days were over.

Looks like the second ship (with the "Flight Deck" on the stern) could both launch and retrieve the airplane. That makes it a "Carrier" in my book. It was a temporary arrangement, to be sure - but then the Langley was converted from something else as well. BTW - the sand bags are not holding the deck in place - they have arrestor ropes attached. You can see the ropes crossing the rails if you look closely. No doubt this plane made the first recorded use of a tailhook.

Nitpicker! They were flying airplanes off a friggin' ship!
In the friggin' year 1910! Remember how little time had passed since we even had the ability!
Just enjoy the pics!