firearm newbie

Hey, I am looking for a firearm support group for newbies. I am not ready for the nra, just want to chat with folks familiar with common aspects of handling, safety, care and feeding etc.
Any chat groups out there? My search was fruitless.
I have piddled around here in the past but haven't been on there in a long while. While not specific to the newbie, there is a lot of discussion and I never saw anyone get ridiculed for asking a question.
Hey, I am looking for a firearm support group for newbies. I am not ready for the nra, just want to chat with folks familiar with common aspects of handling, safety, care and feeding etc.
Any chat groups out there? My search was fruitless.

I have not participated on this message board, but I've seen it a few times. There seems to be a lot of members, so I would imagine you could get some other links to firearm sites. This is obviously catering to concealed carry, so it may not cover everything you want to cover.
Contact Tom Gresham- you know you can trust him because he's one of us, and he's a firearms expert, does a TV show about guns.
Hey Dave - try a google search on competitive competition shooting - there's a few forums out there. Even if you have no interest in competition, there's usually a lot of good info for just recreational shooting. I do have to warn you that competitive shooting can be just as addicting as aviation! There's quite a variation, too. I shot pistol bullseye and Service Rifle in the Navy as part of the base team and loved it. My favorite was the Palma matches - long range shooting - 800, 900 and 1000 yards with the M-1 Garand and open (peep) sights ... what a kick!

A shooting buddy of mine has recently gotten into the action cowboy shooting and says it's the most fun you can have with your (old cowboy) clothes on ...

Edit - forgot to add that I would recommend the NRA even if just for the monthly magazine - American Rifleman would probably be the choice for you. The other choice, American Hunter, is more geared toward hunting.

NRA Life member since 1976.

2nd edit: I find it sad that the NRA, similar to AOPA, is now more known for political action and not all the great training, materials and support that it provides shooters - wow, the more I think about it, NRA and AOPA have so many similarities...

anyway, here's a couple of good starter resources
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Welcome to the board, bullwinkle!

Have fun at the range, Dave; I look forward to reading your writeup.

Wow, I didn't even realize that was my first post! I've been lurking here a while and posting on the red board a bit. Thanks!