Taxi to Parking
11 days of flying, 41.2 hours, 4400+nm, and I haven't even added up the receipts for hotels and fuel yet. Believe it or not, it was VFR the whole time, with the exception of getting through a SCT layer in OKC because I wanted the cooler ride at 9500 instead of sweating at 5500 or lower.
Thanks to David Hunt, Micheal Driggs, and Dr. Bruce for the meals, hospitality, lodging and even 0.7 of night multi time! Thanks to the others that chipped in with advice.
I'm beat down dead tired. Now I get to start working on the CD. One question remains...when can I do it again?
Thanks to David Hunt, Micheal Driggs, and Dr. Bruce for the meals, hospitality, lodging and even 0.7 of night multi time! Thanks to the others that chipped in with advice.
I'm beat down dead tired. Now I get to start working on the CD. One question remains...when can I do it again?