It's the dirty truth.
As another example, I am the VP of technology at my employer.
During meetings over the years, the good ole "we need better communication around here" talks kept coming up.
We added forms of communication again and again. Now have- email, telephones, voicemail, message boards, post-it door holders, employee newsletters, postings by the timeclocks, electronic signage across the campus, popup messages on the timeclocks, mandatory communication meetings (of all things), paging system, cellphone text groups, facebook account postings, website postings, and yes...even more.
To this day, it's still brought up regularly that we need better communication.
So, you can have all the devices you want.
Tools, safety features, anything. If they aren't used properly or are misused, they are worthless and or dangerous, and sometimes can just get in the way.
I barely have time to communicate with people due to trying to manage all the useless communication systems.
In the cockpit, I (being new to aviation) sometimes get overwhelmed and get distracted by the very devices that are there to improve safety/situational awareness. Have had to just drop everything and aviate a few times...including talking to the tower for a minute.
The saying is true for sure. Aviate, navigate, communicate.
Not saying safety features are useless at all. But people sure do find ways around them.
I'm a fine example ha ha