Thanks for reminding me how much I hate PowerPoint presentations.
As for the content, I think it's basically propaganda. I suspect the author is an ethical vegan who is trying to drum up some "scientific" evidence to support her lifestyle choice.
Part of the problem with approaches like this is that comparing people who have been on any sort of diet for most of their lives to the general population is inherently biased. For example, the studies of long-term Atkins adherents also revealed that they were healthier than average -- as would be pretty much any group of people who cared enough about their health to stick to a diet for decades on end.
What I mean is that whether you stick to Atkins, Paleo, a vegan diet, or whatever other diets are out there, you're doing so because you're concerned about your health. That biases the study because it's comparing people who are actively living a lifestyle chosen for its health benefits, regardless of the specifics, with people who are not.
That being said, I think it's pretty obvious that sugar, excess fats, and refined foods in general are poisons, and that fresh fruits and vegetables are healthy. I doubt too many people would argue against that.
In my own case, by simply cutting sugar, empty carbs, and processed foods out of my diet -- and doing little else -- I've lost 25 pounds in less than five months, knocked my average FBG from ~160 to ~110, my A1C from 7.5 to 6.3, and my waist size from 42 to 38. I'm hoping to lose another ~25 by the end of the year, without starving myself.
I call my diet "Nonna's diet." "Nonna" is Italian for "Grandma," and I basically eat like Nonna did. She ate what she wanted, drank what she wanted, couldn't spell "cholesterol" in either language, and lived well into her 80's. But everything that she ate, she prepared from scratch, from fresh ingredients. I doubt she'd even consider most of the crap they sell in supermarkets these days to be "food." Merda, yes. Food, no.
So I guess you can call what I'm doing the "What Would Nonna Eat?" diet. Maybe I should get wristbands made with "WWNE" stamped on them. Hey, you never know -- it could take off. I know it's working for me.