Final Approach
The only nit I'll pick with that is the United States... they might call it Amerika or something like that, but they'll know it existed (assuming we don't cause ourselves to go extinct as a species before that). Just as we today know about Byzantium, Persia, the Vikings...What really gets me is in 1000 Years no one will know who I am, or who any of you are. They probably won’t know who Elon Musk was, or what the United States were. But that car will still be orbiting the sun at about the same distance as Mars. Today the solar system got an addition, and it’s a Burgandy red roadster. And that my friends is cool.
The real question for me is whether humanity will still be confined to one planet, or if we'll have established permanent outposts elsewhere in the Solar System... and maybe beyond. I have serious doubts about "beyond"... since we probably could not carry enough food to get there, and if we did, and assuming (extreme long shot) that we found a world on which life with compatible biology had evolved, it would likely include microorganisms against which our immune systems would have no defense.