Failed Medical, Psych Eval Results Coming


I got my medical! After four months of ups and downs, I am on track!! Boy, does it feel good. It's under special issuance with likelihood of bring converted to a normal issuance. I will have to get a yearly review, but that's not bad at all.

Blue skies everyone!

Congrats. Gonna have to re-write the lyrics!
Congrats. It seems that the FAA has some sense when it comes to the ADHD diagnosis and it seems that it is no longer a life long disqualifer. This is definitely good news, and hopefully will give others hope in their apsirations to fly.
Congrats - sounds like there was no dx in the follow-up neuropsych ..
Congratulations! Chalk one up for the good guys!
Great news! Now if only my star pupil can get hers soon before she forgets how to fly!
I love it when a guy, and especially a young guy, can fight the system and come out with a positive conclusion despite all the nay sayers.

Congrats Mr. Aviator!!

BTW... Where are you flying? Nome, McGrath? Bethel?

As one of the "naysayers", I'd suggest that be didn't fight the system, the system merely confirmed that the test was not a complete diagnosis. It sounds like he got lucky.

My advice still stands...don't take a test that you're not 99.9% certain you're going to pass, and don't send in documentation to the FAA that you're not certain they'd accept. Sadly, this is one of those issues that is not well known to most pilot wannabes...

I got my medical! After four months of ups and downs, I am on track!! Boy, does it feel good. It's under special issuance with likelihood of bring converted to a normal issuance. I will have to get a yearly review, but that's not bad at all.

Blue skies everyone!

I am sure people have told you but in case not, make sure that for EVERY medical application you fill out from now on you use the 'previously reported no change' info (assuming the no change part remains true) - do NOT make the mistake of filling out anything beyond the check mark and PRNC on the MedXpress application or you may well have to go through some/all of this again, even if only the waiting while they review the records.

Welcome to the club.

Pilots, looking down on the rest of the world since 1903! :D


I got my medical! After four months of ups and downs, I am on track!! Boy, does it feel good. It's under special issuance with likelihood of bring converted to a normal issuance. I will have to get a yearly review, but that's not bad at all.

Blue skies everyone!

Good for you!! Now go get that solo done and continue on with your of luck!!! :yes:

Is it your instructor's job to make sure you are medically qualified?

As a CFI, yes...I DO consider it part of my job. Or at least to make sure that they have no disqualifying conditions. For me...

As an instructor, I would hope I'm better qualified than the student to determine if the student may either have 1) a possible DQ condition (ie, DUI's), 2) one that will be best served with a consult with the AME and/or 3) is going to require jumping through a few hoops to get it done.

I prefer to do it early on before the student has dumped mucho $$$$ into flight time, instruction time, books, gadgets, etc.

Others may say that's just the way the cookie crumbles. Not me.



I got my medical! After four months of ups and downs, I am on track!! Boy, does it feel good. It's under special issuance with likelihood of bring converted to a normal issuance. I will have to get a yearly review, but that's not bad at all.

Blue skies everyone!

Well that's excellent news!
My advice still stands...don't take a test that you're not 99.9% certain you're going to pass, and don't send in documentation to the FAA that you're not certain they'd accept. Sadly, this is one of those issues that is not well known to most pilot wannabes...

Can't argue against that at all.

Perhaps CFIs should carry a pocketful of Dr Bruce's business cards and hand them out to their pre-solo students so they can get a double check before getting their medical.

Actually, I like the Turbo Medical deal. I STILL use that.

I got my medical! After four months of ups and downs, I am on track!! Boy, does it feel good. It's under special issuance with likelihood of bring converted to a normal issuance. I will have to get a yearly review, but that's not bad at all.

Blue skies everyone!

I am so happy for you. It is a great feeling. I was nervous about mine, but I placed my trust in a great AME who educated me about what documentation I would need.

Now have fun!