Tied Down
That's pretty common nowadays. The NPRM process for most Federal rule making is just a final check to see if they accidentally ****ed off a Senator's funding sugar-daddy somewhere they forgot about.
So I have to ask. How do digital chart "products" work in the boating community? How about topographic land charts?
Not sure what your point is. FAA's allowed to recover costs by selling charts, but not allowed to turn a profit. If they were originally printing more charts than they could sell, and thus losing money, but then figured out how to "rightsize" their distribution to more accurately match supply and demand and get revenue to more closely match costs, then isn't that an improvement in efficiency, and a good thing?Bear in mind that a few years back, they substantially restricted the number of outlets allowed to sell the paper charts, depriving many small FBOs and fllght schools of the ability to sell charts, and making charts substantially more difficult for pilots to buy. How much in the way of sales did they lose as a result of this decision?
Not sure what your point is. FAA's allowed to recover costs by selling charts, but not allowed to turn a profit. If they were originally printing more charts than they could sell, and thus losing money, but then figured out how to "rightsize" their distribution to more accurately match supply and demand and get revenue to more closely match costs, then isn't that an improvement in efficiency, and a good thing?
Not sure what your point is. FAA's allowed to recover costs by selling charts, but not allowed to turn a profit. If they were originally printing more charts than they could sell, and thus losing money, but then figured out how to "rightsize" their distribution to more accurately match supply and demand and get revenue to more closely match costs, then isn't that an improvement in efficiency, and a good thing?
Agreed... They need to get back to "promoting" as well as "regulating."You know, I've been yelling and writing and hollering that FAA should have a long-term funding bill for a long time now.
But I'm starting to think its time for a complete reset on all this ass-hattery.
I think I'm tiring of being a supporter of an organization that keeps choosing not to support me. Especially when I pay their salary and bought the server farm.
This is probably most relevant - and Aeronav may wish to do something smilar with regard to IFR usage for example:
NOAA RNCs® may be redistributed, but redistributed NOAA RNCs® are NOT considered official NOAA RNCs®, and do not meet federal chart carriage regulations for regulated vessels. This official status attends only to the original downloaded files. NOAA has established a program under which distributors be certified to redistribute NOAA RNCs® such that the RNCs will retain their official status and meet applicable chart carriage regulations.* The RNC agent agreement can be viewed at
NOAA RNCs® and their geoTIF versions (future) may not be used to print commercial products. Individuals may print the NOAA RNCs® or their geoTIF versions for personal use, but the result is not a NOAA chart, and may not be used to meet federal chart carriage regulations.*
Copying of the NOAA RNCs® to any other server or location for further distribution is discouraged unless the following guidelines are followed: 1) this User Agreement is displayed and accepted by anyone accessing the NOAA RNCs®, and 2) a reference to this Web site is included so that anyone accessing the NOAA RNCs® is advised of their origin.*
If these NOAA RNCs® are incorporated into any other product in a form other than as provided by NOAA, the producer of that product assumes full liability.*
I suspect they plan to get around the fact that it's public domain data not by copyright but by licensing it. So, anyone who wants the data at all has to sign the agreement and pay the fees. One item will surely be that whoever you give/sell the data to is also bound by the same agreement.