Extra Canopy Opens in flight

There’s a great example of following Rule #1.

An aerobatic pilot once told me to remember Rule #1(a). “No one ever collided with the sky.”
Reminds me of when Matt Jackson had the canopy implode in Strega going 500 mph. He told me he had just put his face shield down before it happened and he didn't know why he did it. If he hadn't, the glass would've blinded him.
It is an incredible video. And I think she did a great job. I ride motorcycles, have felt the wind of 70MPH on my face, can't imagine that.
I wasn't sure I wanted to use a helmet in the CJ6, but I got one anyway. Now I'm sure.
Nice video pilot did a good job.
Wow, that is really exciting and a great example of flying the plane when something unexpected happens. I hope I have the poise she did if anything ever goes crappy in my plane. I am really impressed with her adapting skills.
She did great! Fly the plane and chill out - one of those situations where the old adage “don’t just do something - stand there” applies.
Reminds me of when Matt Jackson had the canopy implode in Strega going 500 mph. He told me he had just put his face shield down before it happened and he didn't know why he did it. If he hadn't, the glass would've blinded him.
Haven’t looked in awhile, but there was a video of that on YouTube. He was really moving coming down the chute, too.

Quite the scramble to get a replacement there and fitted. Matt flew the wings off that plane trying to get up front in gold after having to fly all the lower races to get in.