Exciting changes for Pilots of America (New forum software)

Man, its like my birthday. I take a peak at Watched Threads and all the page numbers are halved. Woot! and thanks!
Formatted text kills the message size.
I copied about 13 lines from a MS word doc.
Some font colors, bolded words, and posted and got an error stating my message is too long.

Removed the formatting and the same 13 lines worked fine.
Is there a way to fix this?
testing copying from word

Yabba dabba do

Jaaaaaaaaane, get me off this crazy thing!
Happy happy joy joy
Come back here you raaaaabit
That’s all folks!
Duh huh nope nope no. huh uh, nope.
Meep meep!
Go GO gadget ARMS
ome back Next week
Same bat time, same bat channel
I can't much say I like the WISYWIG editor
I can't much say I like the WISYWIG editor

You can choose to use the very basic one.... just click on the "wrench" in the upper right corner of the reply box (next to the Tx icon)

(@jason -- how to super and subscript? used to do it with BB Code, but that's not there with the current XF BB Code I can copy from word and make it work, but how do I do it in this Rich Text Editor?)
Hey watch it Myers! Don't forget, I might be working just a few miles down the road from you in a few weeks. Don't make me bring a 55 gal barrel of azz whoop up the road a piece!
Do I need to bring the can opener? Do you think you are going to get the job near Elizabethtown?

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
Late to the party (couldn't figure out why I could access poa from TT anymore, went to the Web page and saw the new stuff). Was going to come here to ask for TT back because I like getting notifications on my phone...
But I guess I don't have to cause it's back!
Thanks to all the mods who try to keep everyone happy!

Edit to add: I will say i do like the new mobile version, but like I said above I like getting notifications. Plus after I read a thread and go back to the 'forum' section it always takes me to the top, instead of where that particular thread was listed. First world problems are rough....
Wot's this?!

Giddily posted from TapaTalk using whatever the heck phone I have now [emoji1]
Do I need to bring the can opener? Do you think you are going to get the job near Elizabethtown?
Hope so. I'm confident we have the inside track. As you well know, in construction one never knows though.
Posted from tapatalk. Someone please quote this in a reply so I can see if notifications are working. Thanks!!!
getting this trying to upload an avatar, for both jpg and bmp