What really needs to happen is for the airlines to create their own initial co-pilot training programs.
Earning a private, instrument, commercial, & cfi in a single engine airplane is not just a waste of money, resources, and valuable time, but is against the basic law of primacy.
When I say single engine, i really mean single pilot . All the solo time, and most of the training and checking time is devoted to single pilot decision making.
Airline pilots never make single pilot decisions. Besides the actual crew on board, company radio decisions are consulted, and the Captain makes decisions based on a slew of crew and company policies and directives of the moment.
Our "single pilot" mentality of initial training causes that to be a real problem.
Airline pilots are like military pilots who never operate in the single pilot operating on your own mentality.
Two different worlds. What a waste.
My god man you're misinformed!!
A pilot NEEDS command time, stick and rudder skills and pilotage skills, these ARE THE FOUNDATION everything else is built apon.
When we hire a guy we look for a diverse background and PIC time!
250hrs you get your first job, CFIing, pipeline, hauling rags, scenic rides, etc
Then you move up the chain to larger aircraft, to twins and more responsibility.
Then you move on to your first turbine gig
Around here you hit 1500tt
And you're ready for the big time, be it 121,135,137, 91 etc. More pay, more money in the a/c, more responsibility.
I spent a little time at one of these pilot colleges. They train guys, get them their CFI, then hire them to teach the next round. This creates a homogenious chit hole of antidotal training and one sided views.
The US can't claim they are #1 on many fields anymore
Aviation is the one realm where we still rock, our GA is HUGE compared to the rest of the world, changing us over to the POS system euro or Asia has is a HORRIBLE idea, for sooooooooo many reasons