ERAU Flight Simulator - Reenact SWA Emergency

Oh my... What did I just watch... and what was ERAU thinking... Stick shaker, secondary stall, huge oscillations during the descent, unstable approach... That's not how it went when I went to pilot school.
So they "reenacted" an engine failure and a single-engine landing...something every pilot is trained to do. What was the point of this? It was not even the part that made this incident newsworthy. Did they reenact the engine coming apart or the woman getting sucked out?

Maybe for next week's episode, the could re-enact a go-around.
The only people actually qualified to talk to the media wouldn't deign to talk to the media.
When did Martha Raddatz become some aviation expert anyway? Does she have a PPL even? Seems like every time I turn on the news, my tax dollars are going for her joyrides in fighters in some guise of an actual news story. Odd that she didn’t do this story 2 years ago when the exact same thing happened on a SW Airlines 737.
So they "reenacted" an engine failure and a single-engine landing...something every pilot is trained to do. What was the point of this? It was not even the part that made this incident newsworthy. Did they reenact the engine coming apart or the woman getting sucked out?

Maybe for next week's episode, the could re-enact a go-around.

They did throw the cabin pressure warning and the pilot donned the oxygen mask (didn't realize they actually have a full face oxygen mask!). I doubt that had anything to generate the drag from the damaged engine nacelle.
Oh my... What did I just watch... and what was ERAU thinking... Stick shaker, secondary stall, huge oscillations during the descent, unstable approach... That's not how it went when I went to pilot school.

So that's what six figures of "education" get you huh!

Reason #284 why ERU is not the place to go to learn how to fly.
When did Martha Raddatz become some aviation expert anyway? Does she have a PPL even? Seems like every time I turn on the news, my tax dollars are going for her joyrides in fighters in some guise of an actual news story. Odd that she didn’t do this story 2 years ago when the exact same thing happened on a SW Airlines 737.

"Veteran Embry-Riddle pilot Michele Halleran, along with Advanced Simulation Program Manager Thomas Peterson, used the university’s full-motion, Level D flight simulator to explain to ABC News Chief Global Affairs Correspondent Martha Raddatz how Captain Tammie Jo Shults reacted when her Boeing 737-700 aircraft experienced engine failure shortly after takeoff on April 17. The steps Captain Shults took to safely land Southwest Flight 1380 were reenacted for Raddatz and a crew from"

Maybe I'm missing something, but why doesn't veteran pilot Halleran come up in the database as a pilot?


Guess she goes by a different name than what the FAA lists her as


Looks like her medical is expired and her last CFI was in 96'

Not saying that's a excuse for getting a pusher and secondary stalling it and all, I wonder why they picked her to do that highly publicized video.

"While working as a private pilot, before joining Embry-Riddle in 2004, she experienced several engine failures, including one uncontained failure. “We were at an altitude of about 1000 feet,” she recalled. “We immediately declared an emergency and came back around. The aircraft was shaking and we had red lights, so we landed.”"


"At one point in time, she was the only female seaplane pilot in the United States."


Both of those are off that ERAU link
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They didn’t want to pay for an add so they did this instead.
The best line "although this isn't an exact replica of the 737 cockpit..."
Maybe because it's not a 737 or even a Boeing, but a Challenger 600 simulator?

If they're going to do this they could at least use a 737 simulator, there is only about 70 of them in the US.
They did throw the cabin pressure warning and the pilot donned the oxygen mask (didn't realize they actually have a full face oxygen mask!). I doubt that had anything to generate the drag from the damaged engine nacelle.

Combo smoke/O2 mask.
I wonder if the producers wanted more drama (alarms, flashing lights, etc.) and that's why she was setting off the stall warning.
I wonder if the producers wanted more drama (alarms, flashing lights, etc.) and that's why she was setting off the stall warning.

That thought crossed my mind too, but it's still crazy EARU would let a video like that be released showing all of that and representing their school in such a manner.
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I wonder if the producers wanted more drama (alarms, flashing lights, etc.) and that's why she was setting off the stall warning.

My thoughts too... the real handling of that emergency may not be "flashy" enough for the 11 oclock special!
The more drama the better,if you can’t show carnage at least get all the light,bells and whistles going off.
"At one point in time, she was the only female seaplane pilot in the United States."
There's a simple explanation for that. It was a lunch flight on 9/11/2001 and she didn't check NOTAMs.
I wonder if the producers wanted more drama (alarms, flashing lights, etc.) and that's why she was setting off the stall warning.
I'm sure they did. Alot of the craziness/we're gonna die feel of that video was created simply by the way they edited it. Splice a bunch of short clips of pilots running through abnormal procedures in a sim and you can make it look like impending disaster.

Still not understanding why the major pitch oscillations and stick shaker though.
I'm sure they did. Alot of the craziness/we're gonna die feel of that video was created simply by the way they edited it. Splice a bunch of short clips of pilots running through abnormal procedures in a sim and you can make it look like impending disaster.

Still not understanding why the major pitch oscillations and stick shaker though.
I hope it was to make it look dramatic but it’s possible they suck at flying.
Probably chosen for the demo because she and Shults have something in common. Adds to the story. She might not be actually qualified in the sim.
I'm sure they did. Alot of the craziness/we're gonna die feel of that video was created simply by the way they edited it. Splice a bunch of short clips of pilots running through abnormal procedures in a sim and you can make it look like impending disaster.

Still not understanding why the major pitch oscillations and stick shaker though.

You pretty much explained everything here.

Just add a bit of fireworks and instant impending disaster...

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
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They did throw the cabin pressure warning and the pilot donned the oxygen mask (didn't realize they actually have a full face oxygen mask!). I doubt that had anything to generate the drag from the damaged engine nacelle.

91.211 Pilots must be able to don mask with one hand.
