End of the world - what would you do?


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Oct 20, 2010
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My radio talk show did this topic this morning and I found it interesting. Host said he'd go to the airport and try to steal an already started F16. :)

So, let's say you get intel from someone reliable that the world really is going to end and you have 48 hours left on this planet. What are you going to do with that time.
My radio talk show did this topic this morning and I found it interesting. Host said he'd go to the airport and try to steal an already started F16. :)

So, let's say you get intel from someone reliable that the world really is going to end and you have 48 hours left on this planet. What are you going to do with that time.

Nothing stupid! :nono:
Probably spend most of the morning looking for car keys and cell phone, like every other day, then figuring out where to have lunch while checking wind for possible golf game. I got all day tomorrow to worry about the rest of the stuff.
Go flying, have a beer or three, watch the sunrise on the last day.

I think we should all live our lives as if the end is near. :yes:
Go flying, have a beer or three, watch the sunrise on the last day.

I think we should all live our lives as if the end is near. :yes:

:sigh: This 'end time' attitude is what keeps man from progressing by focusing on short term fixes to long term problems.
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My radio talk show did this topic this morning and I found it interesting. Host said he'd go to the airport and try to steal an already started F16. :)

By killing the pilot? He wont find one just sitting there idling.
Well if it were the end of the world maybe I would be able to talk the wife into getting that mile high pin finally!!!

Could be a real challenge in an Arrow.
Reading the book oh so boring. I think I would take my trusty 182 and fly off into the sunset!

Already had one of those days. Had a heart attack and the ER doc leaned over the gurney with my ECG in his hand and said, "doesn't look good". Five minutes later I was in the cath lab, angioplasty and stent installed, and four years later here I am at the end of the world again. A lot of switches got permanently toggled in my head that day so each day now I live as hard as I can, and for me that includes exploiting my AME Assisted Special Issuance to the fullest, and good beer of course, with a preference for Belgian style ales. After all, we only live twice, eh!
Well, it might hasten the end of your world by at least a day if you got tangled up in the yoke.

Well if it were the end of the world maybe I would be able to talk the wife into getting that mile high pin finally!!!

Could be a real challenge in an Arrow.
Would be a helluva crash scene though. Would be interested to see of they would put that on the evening news.

Age had made me seriously ornery.
When day two is the long term in this scenario, how do you know that some aren't planning for it was well?

We select short term solutions which are inefficient or ineffective at solving long term problems.
Hmm. I think what I would do would be largely dependent on the mechanism in which the world would end. I would try to pry my intel source for that information.

"The end of the world" could mean many things. For example, if Facebook were to shut down, permanently, on Friday, that would constitute the end of the world for many people. It wouldn't affect me of course, at least not in a negative way.

I suppose I could load my airplane full of gas, and take off as soon as the world appears to start ending. That would give me roughly six hours on economy cruise to assess the situation, and perhaps land after it has ended, if there is still a place to land. Assuming there was, I might make it over to the smoking heap of rubble that used to be my gym, see if the redhead had taken refuge under a stairmaster and made it through the apocalypse alive, and then we could start repopulating the world. You know, social responsibility and all.

I'm thinking there would be a lot of prime rib left in the smoking heap that used to be the grocery store, plus canned goods. Hell, it might even be cooked already. Gotta eat, these world ending scenarios would make a boy hungry.
I suppose there will be some hookers so stupid that they'd still be working...

Only the blonde ones.....

I'm not sure what I would do if the world was going to end but I have this fantasy that if I know I'm PIC for the last time, I want to fly through a TFR so I can have a fighter escort on my last flight before I surrender my ticket.
My radio talk show did this topic this morning and I found it interesting. Host said he'd go to the airport and try to steal an already started F16. :)

So, let's say you get intel from someone reliable that the world really is going to end and you have 48 hours left on this planet. What are you going to do with that time.

Define end.
End. No earth. Nothing. World evaporates. Poof. You (the reader) are the only one in the world that knows though.
End. No earth. Nothing. World evaporates. Poof. You (the reader) are the only one in the world that knows though.

More correctly, 320 readers are aware of the world's coming demise.
My radio talk show did this topic this morning and I found it interesting. Host said he'd go to the airport and try to steal an already started F16. :)

So, let's say you get intel from someone reliable that the world really is going to end and you have 48 hours left on this planet. What are you going to do with that time.

Grand Canyon tour at 150 knots and 25' above the river.
Eat some fish, don't panic and carry a towel.
In a way or another each one of us will experience the end of the world when we die. Only the condemned to death knows his exact date and time. But you may get resuscitated by Lord Obama to vote as an absentee ballot.:rolleyes:

What I would like to know is what are the plans for the crew of the International Space Station.
What are they going to do once all the inhabitants of planet Earth are gone?
Eventually, die of either starvation, or suffocation.
Last day on earth?? Hookers and Blow would be a good option. Bet it all on black and let it ride is a close second.

Funny thing is, I really don't know what I'd do. Say good bye to everyone? I really don't know...
In reality I would probably gorge myself out on Whoppers and pound about half a bottle of Yukon Jack.