I'm an IT guy, not a Ludditte, but I like to mess about - years ago, when government checks were printed on punch cards, with the MICR encoding on the bottom, all the Vets at my college would gather on "payday", run our checks through a keypunch machine, plugging in random punches. Then we'd use the bulk tape eraser to hose the MICR. (the VA was a favorite target of hatred back then, too - they've remained consistently incompetent for decades).
When my state went to mag stripe on driver's licenses, then OCR - you get the idea. In a more serious vein, I stopped using my debit card in retail locations a while back, and I don't have much in the way of apps on my phone that require location data. You don;t have to be data-invisible, just have a lower profile than the average bear.
Anyway, after implanting the chip, someone will get a staff infection, suffer a fatal allergic reaction, or be scammed in some clever fashion. . .