I want to get an emotional support alligator. It'll eat the first kid that screams or kicks the back of my seat!
I'm going for maximum avian impact. Do you know how loud a peacock can scream?
If it's not disturbing anyone and fits in the area of the plane you paid for, who cares?
<<<<<<<< 15 years on.the job.
My neighbors kept a bunch when I was a kid
Maybe a real kid could be claimed as an emotional support animal and fly for free? After all, SOMEbody has to fetch mamas vodka.
The emotional support turkey was headed home for Thanksgiving. It was a one way trip.
If we crash in the Andes mountains, I got dibs on the turkey.
Hmm, a txflyer stuffed with a turkey...
Turtexan for dinner!
Or would that be texturkin?
What wine goes with that?
I've been banned since I got caught with my support sheep in the restroom singing Ewe Ewe I'm in love with Ewe
Fellow pilots.
We need to think this "Support Animal" topic through to pilot pleasing end.
My story and I'm sticking to it: "I am in great emotional distress. I hate animals, but I love flying airplanes. I demand the government provide me with a support airplane of my own. A (insert required aircraft type here) will do nicely. Thank you."