Denver, your posts do show an obvious disdain for all thing related to the government. You keep trying to compare government to business...particularly service orientated business.
News flash, the government is not a corporation. Corporations have zero accountability. If you're mean to your customers and they leave and the business folds then so what? See? Zero accountability.
Government, on the other hand, is accountable to ALL of us. And I mean ALL. You don't like taxes on gas as a pilot? Well many other non-pilots don't like paying for runways. Government has to find a balance. You want to make an example of GoPro cameras being regulated differently? Well maybe most people in f'ing Alaska don't give a flying flip if a camera falls off a plane with a one in ten godzillion billion trillion chance of hitting anything near a man made structure while folks in LA would prefer a little more protection from your after market strap on camera bomb.
Point is the government isn't the boogie man and you clearly have a personal agenda regarding anything government. My guess it's a recent development, as in the past 7 years or so...but that's just a guess.
Stop watching fox would be my advise, but it's up to you. Pray on it,
"News flash" ... Any response here to your incorrect assumptions about who businesses and government are accountable to, would be SZ material, as is your post. Feel free to take it over there.
And you're arguing for situational laws and regs? Really? That'll work out well for the guy who flies his airplane from Alaska to LA when an LA inspector sees it.
Kinda like only two inspectors who ever saw Hoover fly decided he needed his medical yanked. Or maybe we need a different PTS for Alaska vs LA?
Let's shoot for that quality level. Sounds wonderful.
Inconsistency breeds contempt.
Plus, taking the "diversity" argument to the extreme, you're making the logical argument that State run local Aviation enforcement would be better than Federal, if you think hard about it.
Either there's one set of consistent, available, Federal regs or there's not. Either there's a professional police force who knows the rules, or there's not.
If an FBI guy showed up and said he gets to interpret and enforce the rules differently in Alaska vs LA, you'd jump on that in a heartbeat.
Same with an IRS Agent.
It just ain't true.
I doubt that management of most private sector companies would think highly of employees discussing policy on the Pilots of America open forum. From what Mark (?) has posted, that's probably true of the FAA too. There are places for those things and this is not it.
Quite right. So why did he? He opened the door.
If he didn't want to discuss company policy on an open forum, he shouldn't have.
It's a discussion forum after all. Discussion. He posted it. I responded.
Not to mention, for the 1 millionth time, he's complaining to the wrong person!
He presented himself as the guy with the answers on a public forum. I responded.
This is what public forums are for.
If he misrepresented himself, or his position, fine. He can say so and point to where to get the answer.
I was going to compare it to berating the cleaning lady at the local Hilton because the stock price is dropping.
If you think every member of a 4+ million(1) person organization is lazy, corrupt, or incompetent then the problem is likely not the organization.
If you've never met a government employee who cared about "...the overall mission of their organization" then get out and introduce yourself to a few Marines.
(1. source: OPM 2012 stats, assuming that by "the government" you mean *federal* government only. If you include state and local the number is larger and your problem is worse.)
former sandcrab
So he's not an inspector, the front line rule interpreter and first stage of law enforcement for the entire Agency? And didn't present himself in public as such?
I'm sure he's not the cleaning lady.
Ironically I gave him the benefit if the doubt and assumed he could actually address the topic he brought up.
You're "defending" him by lowering his status and worth? Nice.
It's more like asking a Detective of 30 years what the rules are on jaywalking, and the detective runs away crying that he didn't expect anyone to be so "mean".
Feel free to point out where I said everyone at any organization was corrupt or didn't care. This guy acted like he cared and wanted to speak for his employer, and then bailed on the softball question about camera mounts, crying that his feelings were hurt.
That camera thing wasn't even a hard question. It was a softball.
Y'all enjoying making up things I didn't say?
Dog pile on. It's getting all Kum Bah Yah here in the pile. The whiners that this isn't the "front porch" sure are enjoying a nice good old fashioned lynch mob.
Sure... Go after the Private Pilot and aircraft owner with a valid question, of someone who held themselves out as being THE front line job role person in the FAA organization/expert capable of determining if a violation of the regs has taken place. And I know he has to have significant knowledge and background to even hold that position...
Who would have thought a lowly Private Pilot even asking such a softball question was "too harsh" for a professional law enforcement agent?
ROFL. Y'all are adorable. Really. R&W with his one word responses that add no value are particularly cute.
He hasn't provided that list of inspectors and answers from the various FSDOs yet, I see.