He, he, maybe!
I wanted to wait until after the fact to tell the rest of the story..........
A pilot from Harrison, AR sends out a weekly update on upcoming fly-ins in OK, KS, MO, and AR.** Last week's update included info on a fly-in being held today in Pocahontas, AR. "Antique planes and cars" was the tickler.
"Hmmm", I thought to myself, "that might be fun, it's only a 45 minute flight."
So, at Thursday night's seminar we had a "door prize". Anyone interested in going to Pocahontas today threw their name in the hat. About half of them did and at the end of the evening a name was drawn.
I'm a big believer in Karma...
...and Karma it was...
The young man who was the impetus for this training won the trip.
He'd never been in a small plane before but he flew about half the way down and all the way back. He wanted to experience some of the more fun stuff of flying so I did a few steep turns for him, some slow flight and, upon our return to 0T3 we did a high speed pa....ummm, a wildlife clearing practice approach.
The bottom line is we had a blast and here's Nick posing with our trusty steed upon return to 0T3:
**if you want to get on the e-mailing list to receive these fly-in notices just send your request to andya[at]diamondcity[dot]net