Eczema around eyes


Raccoon eyes

Hey everyone.. for the past month, I’ve had a recent flare up with eczema around my eyes which basically look like nasty, red, scaley, circles and are extremely itchy. I’ve tried just about every OTC treatment there is and am about to go to the dermatologist. I’m wondering if any common treatment for eczema would pique the FAAs interest on the next medical, especially with the proximity to the eyes. I’ve already had to jump through a ton of hoops for another issue earlier in my life.. looking to avoid that again.
Moisturizer, moisturizer, moisturizer

Plus 1% Hydrocortisone ointment (it's better than cream) at night. Cover your eyes like a panda.

If it settles then continue the moisturizer

Remember what you paid for that advice.
I had a bad flare up of a rash on my face and around my eyes and it turned out to be Sebhoric Dermititus (i know i didn't spell that right but too lazy to look it up) but it was basically a yeast infection on my face. Dermatologist recommended a Vanicream Z Bar which is soap with Pryothine Zinc in it. You can get it on Amazon but is like $9 a bar. Cleared me right up. Unfortunately she said I am stuck with it forever so I have to use the soap like once or twice a week to keep things in check. Getting old sucks but the alternative isn't much better right!
I just came down with this on my upper eyelid! Haven’t been to a doctor yet but put a little hydrocortisone cream on it, careful not to get it into my eye since the label says not to. Cleared it right up but it will probably come back and I’m going to be sparing with the cream until I talk to my doctor. I’ve had blepharitis in the past along the lid edges and that responds very well to a compress of warm water mixed with a little baby shampoo!

Dr. Google says there is a thing called “allergic progression” IIRC, people who are prone to atopic dermatitis (check), hay fever (check), other assorted autoimmune disorders (check, check, check) tend as they get older to get dry eye, eyelid eczema, keratitis, allergic conjunctivitis, and eventually.... keratoconus! :eek: Hopefully that last one is rare.

I have been to the ophthalmologist for dry eye and have to do some rounds of corticosteroid drops through the winters. Summers are better because of the high humidity.
I can’t speak regarding eyelids, but I did have eczema on both hands years ago. Doc told me it was chronic, just use moisturizers, etc. Then someone told me to try eliminating tomatoes from my diet.

Bam. Worked like a charm. No eczema issues for the last 20 years. I’ll have some tomato in a salad from time to time, but I minimize it.

Certain foods can cause eczema to flare up. Take a look at .

Worth a try....
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