Final Approach
By special request, I am starting a new thread.
I realize you all may have posted these things before but I wanted to know:
What are some silly things you have done?
I will start:
(Almost) left a chain tie down on the wing. Had to shut down the plane, get out, unchain, get back in. I did not taxi - almost did - I saw the chain out of the corner of my eye.
Dropped fuel dipstick into fuel tank.
Filled fuel tank way too full at gas pump while self pumping gas and took an avgas bath.
Sprayed windshied cleaner into the wind and had it land on my face instead of on windshield.
When using fuel tester and dumping fuel onto ground (no we don't pour it back in), again I have done this into the wind and had the stuff land on me.
Left seat belt undone and hanging out the door. Heard banging sound.
Somehow my door came open in flight even though I checked it during my run-up checklist.
During solo, forgot to retract 10 degrees of flaps and flew the pattern, something felt funny the whole time and didn't notice until doing my approach setup / landing stuff.
Forgot to put the mixture / carb heat / flaps / trim / whatever to where it was supposed to be.
Forgot items in plane / at airport.
Used the yoke instead of my feet to steer.
Forgot to close VFR flight plan (until I remembered). But felt stupid for forgetting.
I realize you all may have posted these things before but I wanted to know:
What are some silly things you have done?
I will start:
(Almost) left a chain tie down on the wing. Had to shut down the plane, get out, unchain, get back in. I did not taxi - almost did - I saw the chain out of the corner of my eye.
Dropped fuel dipstick into fuel tank.
Filled fuel tank way too full at gas pump while self pumping gas and took an avgas bath.
Sprayed windshied cleaner into the wind and had it land on my face instead of on windshield.
When using fuel tester and dumping fuel onto ground (no we don't pour it back in), again I have done this into the wind and had the stuff land on me.
Left seat belt undone and hanging out the door. Heard banging sound.
Somehow my door came open in flight even though I checked it during my run-up checklist.
During solo, forgot to retract 10 degrees of flaps and flew the pattern, something felt funny the whole time and didn't notice until doing my approach setup / landing stuff.
Forgot to put the mixture / carb heat / flaps / trim / whatever to where it was supposed to be.
Forgot items in plane / at airport.
Used the yoke instead of my feet to steer.
Forgot to close VFR flight plan (until I remembered). But felt stupid for forgetting.