Dumbest thing you have done and lived to tell about it

[...]So when I started rolling with the parking brake on and it didn't slow us down at all, he pointed it out and said "That's why you don't trust the parking brake".

I gather most other DPEs would have failed me for that, but he used it as a teaching moment and I guarantee it won't happen again :P
Not sure that anyone would have failed you for that, as long as you got on the brakes yourself immediately to stop the plane. The checklists that I've seen typically call for the parking brake during runup and preflight. Now, relying on it with the pilot OUTSIDE of the plane? Yeah, that's careless and reckless right there! :yikes:
I did this on my PPL checkride.

The funny part was, during the oral we were having a conversation about how he had a student a few days prior come in and forget to remove the chocks during preflight. The guy had started the engine up and didn't want to shut down, so he set the parking brake and got out of the airplane to remove them. The DPE told me to never trust the parking brake and that he had to fail him for doing that, mostly because those brakes are so unreliable and rarely work. So when I started rolling with the parking brake on and it didn't slow us down at all, he pointed it out and said "That's why you don't trust the parking brake".

I gather most other DPEs would have failed me for that, but he used it as a teaching moment and I guarantee it won't happen again :P

And he should have failed for exiting and airplane with the engine running and a passenger inside.
Dumbest thing I've ever done is buy a 'project' airplane....and I'm already looking at another 'project'.........I think I need help.....
I used to live next to a nice young couple. He was as an avid fisherman as I was and we would go on fishing trips often. She loved gardening and every spring, she would till and plant an acre worth of carrots, tomatoes, greens, peas, etc. Despite living in a very suburban area, wild animals would raid her garden almost every night.

Now, they were both pacifists, in the sense that whatever solution was needed to remedy the situation, no animal could be killed in the process. No use of poison, no shooting with a bb gun. Relocation of the guilty party was going the order of the day. So every spring, I would help them relocate squirrels, rabbits, opossums, etc. that we would catch in “live traps”. This worked fairly well as long as we relocated these animals a dozen or so miles away.

This worked fine until we came across this one raccoon with half an ear. He was so bold, he would sit upright on his butt and eat a tomato while the wife would be clanging pots and pans together with the greatest of abandon. Her desperate actions seem to entertain him. You could almost see him smirk. While he wasn’t the smartest creature living in the shrubs, he was definitely stubborn. His rotundness alone should have stopped him from getting caught into the trap. Yet somehow, he managed to get caught and relocated at least four times.
It just so happen that “Notorious B.I.G” (after having caught him so many times, they named him) was caught hours before I was going to on a fishing trip with the husband. The wife came out of the house with the brilliant idea of taking B.I.G with us and release him in “the real nature”. I reluctantly agreed.

B.I.G, still in the cage, seemed undisturbed by getting loaded in back seat of the old 182. Maybe he was getting accustom to being caught and relocated. Or maybe, he was looking forward to being reunited with Bambi and Thumper just like the wife had promised him. I told my friend to put a blanket over the cage to keep the raccoon calm. And up we went.
About an hour into the flight, we hit some mild turbulence. As a precaution, my friend put his hand on the blanketed trap. About 10 minutes later, I hear “He is out”. Mind you, he didn’t scream it or anything like that. It was said in a matter-of-fact and detached way, as if you were to say “ It’s raining”. While my brain was trying to decide if I had heard what I thought I had heard, I turned around. The unmistakable moving bulge under the blanket confirmed my worst fear. Damn coon was out of the cage. My gaze returned to the instrument panel. I heard all kinds of commotions on my right. I turned my head again, and the raccoon was stuck between the door and back of the passenger seat. In no uncertain terms, I screamed at my friend to open the door and kick the damn coon out. Door latch undone, I see my friend struggling to get the door open. I looked back once again. The door was ajar, opened maybe 10” wide. Meanwhile, BIG was hanging for dear life, the two front paws firmly planted in the door’s panel. I looked back at the instrument, my brain screaming “fly the plane, fly the plane !”. The door closed, but BIG was still in the plane. Fortunately, BIG ran towards the back of the plane. I told my friend to grab the blanket and raise like a curtain to separate the two front seats from the rest of the cabin. In the meantime, I hit NRST on my GPS. We descended and landed quickly at this little airport. As soon as we were off the active, we both jumped out. It took some work to dislodge BIG . But eventually his rotundness de-boarded. As we watched him waddle into the sunset, I swear he turned back and gave us a parting smirk.

We took off again. Within 15 minutes, the unmistakable musty scent of urine penetrated the cabin. My friend, to this day, claims it came from BIG… I am still not convinced.

unregistered to protect the guilty...

This is a most awesome aviation related story. Told really well too. I loved reading this.
Back on the tail tie down thingy:

Just saw a plane taxi out with the strap, anchor and marker tire dragging.
I was driving in the winter on the dilapidated streets just west of Chicago's loop where they cross the wide set of train tracks coming out of the downtown stations.

I NEVER push my luck with trains.

So of course, just as I got the front wheels over the tracks the car starts to get hung up on the high tracks and the wheels started spinning in the snow and for the first time I look down the tracks and see the light on the big ol' diesel engine coming at me...

...I rocked it a little and got the car moving.
If cars are included i guess running my 4200lb station wagon 130mph at mid Ohio on stock brakes, nearly didn't make it...
Went up in a Robinson R-22 with a newly-minted helicopter instructor and let him show me an autorotation landing. Far more scary than anything I've done in my 300 hours.
yeh done that too, the owners says " thats one way of adjusting the RPM ,it'll get real quiet shortly"

Yeah I pulled the red knob out durring a falling leaf once. I recall thinking "why can I hear the impulse couplings?"
Dumbest thing that I have done was turned off the airplane and stopped taxiing to let a FAA rep ramp check me. (The airplane, my CFI, and I were legal btw)
Dumbest thing that I have done was turned off the airplane and stopped taxiing to let a FAA rep ramp check me. (The airplane, my CFI, and I were legal btw)

Yup, that was dumb...

"Smile and wave, boys. Just smile and wave."
Went up in a Robinson R-22 with a newly-minted helicopter instructor and let him show me an autorotation landing. Far more scary than anything I've done in my 300 hours.

What's the pre-flair sink rate in a R-22 doing autorotation?
Dumbest thing that I have done was turned off the airplane and stopped taxiing to let a FAA rep ramp check me. (The airplane, my CFI, and I were legal btw)

Wasn't he required to stop when it was clear that what was requested of him?
Probably not, but I'm guessing that someone standing on the taxiway would cause a hazard to continued taxi operations, necessitating a stop.
Lemme tell you if you jump out in front of me on a taxiway to stop me you better be pointing at a problem with my plane or ill consider you a threat and depart with haste. And if that requres running you over I just might. While in northern areas airplane thefts aren't common I don't want to risk it.
Hmmmmmm.........I suppose that could work in court, but not against the jury of one's heart and head.
It's the decision I have to be prepared to make every time I walk out the door with my pistol:dunno:

If you come after me you will come away bloodied, and thats all I'll say before a nice thread goes to the SZ
If I see a suspicious looking person on the taxiway, I go back to the tiedown, or go around if I am flying. And believe me when I see something, I say something. "Say again? Oh its just a guy from the FAA doing a ramp check, OK."

Ok, so I finally have a story to contribute to this thread.

Pretty sure I'm still living to tell about it, though I feel as though I could kick myself for it. I had been looking for a nice used headset to use for my training. I found them on Craigslist from a gentlman in Oregon that bought them, but never used them because he was grounded permanently for a medical issue. So after a month or so of going back and forth (he was in the middle of a move and internet connection for email was not priority) over price and shipping details, we settled on $88 ($75 +shipping cost) for a pair of ASA HS-1A's. :thumbsup:

I send the check on a Monday, I had a lesson that Friday and the box showed up while I was flying. Got home, opened the box, pulled everything out to include the manuals, warranty registration, etc... to check out. Where I get fuzzy is what happened after that. I'm pretty sure, the wife asked me to take care of something and so I put everything back in the box to keep it all together and I would get to it later. Swearing I pulled everything out, she asks me "can we throw out the box" (generic shipping box), and my response was "unless you want to keep all the bubble wrap and everything for xmas shipping, then just put it down with the recycling." Recycling day on that monday, box goes out. I don't get to fly for another 2 weeks and for some reason, can't find my spiffy new headset to try out. Can't find the paperwork, can't find the box, IT'S GONE!!! Pretty sure it out with the recycling. DOH!!!!!!!! :cryin::cryin: Lesson Learned: Always check for contents of boxes before unknowingly throwing the baby out with the bath water. :mad2::mad2:
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Ok, so I finally have a story to contribute to this thread.

Pretty sure I'm still living to tell about it, though I feel as though I could kick myself for it. I had been looking for a nice used headset to use for my training. I found them on Craigslist from a gentlman in Oregon that bought them, but never used them because he was grounded permanently for a medical issue. So after a month or so of going back and forth (he was in the middle of a move and internet connection for email was not priority) over price and shipping details, we settled on $88 ($75 +shipping cost) for a pair of ASA HS-1A's. :thumbsup:

I send the check on a Monday, I had a lesson that Friday and the box showed up while I was flying. Got home, opened the box, pulled everything out to include the manuals, warranty registration, etc... to check out. Where I get fuzzy is what happened after that. I'm pretty sure, the wife asked me to take care of something and so I put everything back in the box to keep it all together and I would get to it later. Swearing I pulled everything out, she asks me "can we throw out the box" (generic shipping box), and my response was "unless you want to keep all the bubble wrap and everything for xmas shipping, then just put it down with the recycling." Recycling day on that monday, box goes out. I don't get to fly for another 2 weeks and for some reason, can't find my spiffy new headset to try out. Can't find the paperwork, can't find the box, IT'S GONE!!! Pretty sure it out with the recycling. DOH!!!!!!!! :cryin::cryin: Lesson Learned: Always check for contents of boxes before unknowingly throwing the baby out with the bath water. :mad2::mad2:

That does definitely suck! I've done similar stuff, but I can't remember any off the top of my head.

Kind of similar but not really. Ever spend a day doing stuff on the computer, THINKING, you were saving it all along, or at least the auto-save was? Then have a power-glitch or computer program crash, bringing everything down? And losing a day worth of work, you didn't think you'd ever figure out again? yup.....
Ok, so I finally have a story to contribute to this thread.

Pretty sure I'm still living to tell about it, though I feel as though I could kick myself for it. I had been looking for a nice used headset to use for my training. I found them on Craigslist from a gentlman in Oregon that bought them, but never used them because he was grounded permanently for a medical issue. So after a month or so of going back and forth (he was in the middle of a move and internet connection for email was not priority) over price and shipping details, we settled on $88 ($75 +shipping cost) for a pair of ASA HS-1A's. :thumbsup:

I send the check on a Monday, I had a lesson that Friday and the box showed up while I was flying. Got home, opened the box, pulled everything out to include the manuals, warranty registration, etc... to check out. Where I get fuzzy is what happened after that. I'm pretty sure, the wife asked me to take care of something and so I put everything back in the box to keep it all together and I would get to it later. Swearing I pulled everything out, she asks me "can we throw out the box" (generic shipping box), and my response was "unless you want to keep all the bubble wrap and everything for xmas shipping, then just put it down with the recycling." Recycling day on that monday, box goes out. I don't get to fly for another 2 weeks and for some reason, can't find my spiffy new headset to try out. Can't find the paperwork, can't find the box, IT'S GONE!!! Pretty sure it out with the recycling. DOH!!!!!!!! :cryin::cryin: Lesson Learned: Always check for contents of boxes before unknowingly throwing the baby out with the bath water. :mad2::mad2:

Not sure about your wife, but in my house I would run a pretty good shot of seeing those Dec. 25;)
New dumb thing:
I'd been flying (and complaining) about my headsets hurting my right ear after about 1.5hrs and had been thinking of upgrading to the new, shiny ANR type sets. This weekend, I discovered that the earcup was too far up and putting pressure on the upper part of my jar below my earlobe.

Although I THOUGHT I'd adjusted the headset when I got it, I now almost always wear a ball cap, which changes the sizing.

Dumb thing- failure to readjust headset and complaining about ear pain....for about 2 years!
Haha, actually we didn't "hop" it. We snuck aboard a coal car in the Denver rail yards (when they were still there) and rode it to Pueblo. Then we hitchhiked to the mountains and hitchhiked back to Denver. Our co-workers couldn't believe we did it and sometimes neither can I.

Sadly I recently found out that my train hopping buddy was killed in a motorcycle accident a couple years ago, rear-ended by a drunk driver. RIP Liz. :(

That was a cool story, until the end. Sorry about your friend.
I bought a slide scanner about a month ago and have been looking at pictures I took years ago. I came upon this one of my friend I mentioned above, some guy I don't remember (maybe someone she was dating at the time) and the Grumman Tiger I rented to fly us up to Cheyenne, WY. I think it's Cheyenne anyway. Weirdly, even looking at this picture I can't remember the flight although it's logged in my logbook. :redface:

Picture is from 1980.

Mari, I think that's a Cheetah decal, but I'm not sure. :confused:

Cool pic! Love the avocado green/harvest gold paint scheme. It is just about back in style! Is that you in the pic? Not the one with the beard, the other person. :)
Mari, I think that's a Cheetah decal, but I'm not sure. :confused:

Cool pic! Love the avocado green/harvest gold paint scheme. It is just about back in style! Is that you in the pic? Not the one with the beard, the other person. :)
No, that's my friend, Liz, my train hopping buddy mentioned previously. She was always up for an airplane ride. This is me. I think the airplane I am sitting in is a Cheetah. They had two Grummans, a Tiger and a Cheetah. I think the first one is a Tiger. The decals are a bit different.

Nice! Yeah, the second pic is definitely a Cheetah. Notice the vents on the cowling. Tigers don't have those.
Nice! Yeah, the second pic is definitely a Cheetah. Notice the vents on the cowling. Tigers don't have those.
Just going by the stickers, the Tiger decal looks like this, which seems to be like the one on the first picture (the one in the snow).


I did a search for the N-number N82186 but it comes up as a PTERODACTYL ACCENDER whatever that is.
On the original topic, a girlfriend once asked me:
"Do these pants make me look fat?"

I replied "Kinda".

Edit: I'm glad I learned this particular lesson before marriage. With the girlfreind I had my own home to stay in during the storm that followed.
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