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Driving on the private (yet open to public travel) roads in the neighborhood with open containers (or intoxicated) would indeed be illegal. Driving on the runway doesn't seem to be covered.
Not sure of the laws in NC but what you describe would in fact be illegal in VA. They tried to amend the law a bit to allow it one to drink a beer while operating a lawnmower, but even that failed.

The law in NC specifically says on the highways or rights of way thereof. Highway includes private roads that are open to the public (ours are) but certainly not the runway.

Virginia doesn't mention where you are operating, just says it's illegal to operate any motor vehicle, engine, or train while intoxicated. Motor vehicles do indeed include golf carts.
I feel for the original poster. A 170# man drinking three ordinary (5% alcohol) beers in an hour and a half would be at .07%, legal to drive in all states... but three 9.8% beers is like drinking six ordinary beers, which pushes it to .16%. If he wasn't aware of the alcohol content it may well be an honest one time mistake, not that the FAA will buy that explanation.

It's one reason why I hate the current trend for high alcohol beers... I enjoy my beer (in moderation), and want to be able to drink one or three without getting hammered, so I always look for the alcohol content. Fortunately a lot of bars and restaurants are starting to post the percentage on their beer list.
This is the most insanely inappropriate thing I've read for some time. A 170 lb man drinks three beers giving him a 0.07% blood alcohol level and he's OK to drive? No he isn't! He's intoxicated! The alcohol will affect his reflexes and judgement.

Want to avoid going foul of the law? Don't drink and drive.
This is the most insanely inappropriate thing I've read for some time. A 170 lb man drinks three beers giving him a 0.07% blood alcohol level and he's OK to drive? No he isn't! He's intoxicated! The alcohol will affect his reflexes and judgement.

Want to avoid going foul of the law? Don't drink and drive.

Depends on the guy. (or girl)

I've seen 220#+ people be absolutely stumbling on 1/2 a beer. If you've seen me at an overnight fly in, you've seen me well over 0.08, and you wouldn't 't even know I had anything to drink.
One size does not fit all.
Depends on the guy. (or girl)

I've seen 220#+ people be absolutely stumbling on 1/2 a beer. If you've seen me at an overnight fly in, you've seen me well over 0.08, and you wouldn't 't even know I had anything to drink.
One size does not fit all.

The FAA has a word for that.....
The FAA has a word for that.....

Which isn't based in reality. See my previous post explaining why the FAA doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground on the subject.

I haven't had a drink since we shut back down in November, and often times go months without a drink...and somehow I'm dependent? Riiiight.
Depends on the guy. (or girl)

I've seen 220#+ people be absolutely stumbling on 1/2 a beer. If you've seen me at an overnight fly in, you've seen me well over 0.08, and you wouldn't 't even know I had anything to drink.
One size does not fit all.
No, nothing fits you since you're some kind of mutant from planet bizzaro. But for most humans that much alcohol is debilitating. For all you know it's debilitating for you and you just haven't hit the crunch yet.
No, nothing fits you since you're some kind of mutant from planet bizzaro. But for most humans that much alcohol is debilitating. For all you know it's debilitating for you and you just haven't hit the crunch yet.

Could be. takes about 1600mg ibuprofen and 10-15mg HC to do anything. I know where the crunch is for me. It's about 1/4 of the way into my 4th long island.
Which isn't based in reality. See my previous post explaining why the FAA doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground on the subject.

I haven't had a drink since we shut back down in November...and somehow I'm dependent? Riiiight.

The word is tolerance. They would see someone acting normal with a well over 0.08 BAC as a problem. And yeah, that alone is enough to provide them with a Dependence diagnosis. DSM IV all day every day.
Might this be relevant?

biological variability
The natural variability in a lab parameter due to physiologic differences among subjects and within the same subject over time.

Types of Biological Variability
• Interindividual—Differences between subjects due to differences in diet, genetics or immune status.
• Intra-individual—Differences in the same subject over time due to diurnal cycles and other rhythms, biological repair mechanisms, dietary variables, ageing, etc.

The word is tolerance. They would see someone acting normal with a well over 0.08 BAC as a problem. And yeah, that alone is enough to provide them with a Dependence diagnosis. DSM IV all day every day.

Yeah, but I was tolerant from the first time I consumed any of them. That's the problem with their definition. The FIRST time I had hydrocodone, prescribed amount didn't work. (and I actually had the HC before I had my 21st, so it's not like the alcohol prepped me for it) From the first time I had OTC pain relievers, I had to take double the dose. The first time I ever had anymore than 2oz of alcohol it didn't have an effect. So how the hell did I become dependent without even having taken it?

"you can only be tolerant if you are a habitual abuser, that has built up a dependence." No, it doesn't work that way. Some people are, some people aren't.

Some people are lactose tolerant/intolerant because of their physiology, just like some people have more or less tolerance for everything because of their physiology, not because they drink/do drugs every day for 6 years and build up tolerance.
The word is tolerance. They would see someone acting normal with a well over 0.08 BAC as a problem. And yeah, that alone is enough to provide them with a Dependence diagnosis. DSM IV all day every day.
Yeah but it’s possible to have tolerance that does not come from regular consumption of alcohol
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