Drunk taxi plane?

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If he's a troll, then he's having fun, and we're entitled to have fun too.

I agree completely, but "fun" doesn't, IMO, include overtly racist remarks. And, while most of those I quoted were not (they were simply the ones in the "I'm in America" thread), there have been many.
brian];1579503 said:
Didn't patty wagstaff get busted for driving drunk on the ramp a few years ago? Wasn't an aircraft though..
She was caught on the ramp but to get from where she was getting loaded up to where she was caught did involve driving on the public roads (at least for a very short distance). Anyhow, if you get caught, many state constabulatory would have no problem writing you up for drunk driving even if the FAA won't.
A police officer told me once that if you are drunk and ride your horse home, you can get a dui because you are driving the horse. BUT if you pass out on the horse and it wanders home, you're ok because the horse is driving.
All a matter of state law, not Federal, and it varies from state to state.
On a serious note, I think it was in the AOPA magazine that I read of a "there but for the grace of God go I" incident.

Situation was a plane had landed at night, and the crew had dinner and wine, IIRC.

A decision was made to move the plane to a safer/better location on the airport. While doing so, it hit a ditch or some such and was badly damaged.

I believe the pilot had his certificate revoked, but it may just have been suspended.

I always thought that was pretty draconian, given the circumstances.

I would never, ever, ever even consider flying after imbibing. But moving a plane? I could have seen myself doing that - though I never have, of course.

If anyone recalls the incident and/or article, please correct me on any details.
On a serious note, I think it was in the AOPA magazine that I read of a "there but for the grace of God go I" incident.

Situation was a plane had landed at night, and the crew had dinner and wine, IIRC.

A decision was made to move the plane to a safer/better location on the airport. While doing so, it hit a ditch or some such and was badly damaged.

I believe the pilot had his certificate revoked, but it may just have been suspended.

I always thought that was pretty draconian, given the circumstances.

I would never, ever, ever even consider flying after imbibing. But moving a plane? I could have seen myself doing that - though I never have, of course.

If anyone recalls the incident and/or article, please correct me on any details.

That's exactly the case I was referring to. It was in one of John Yodice's "pilot council" articles a couple of years ago.
That is a must read.

Though I had some minor details wrong (it was beer, not wine), I'm still proud I got the gist right after 11 years.

I guess I have at least that many brain cells still functioning!

In any case, I still find the actions taken to be excessive.
If I had enjoyed some wine or beer, I'd be moving it with a tow bar! Even if I hadn't enjoyed it!
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