Do airports usually issue a NOTAM if taxiway lighting is inop?


Final Approach
Jul 27, 2009
Iowa City, IA
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Taxiway lights at my local airport quit working one night while I was doing some night landings, and they were still out a week later when I returned from a trip. No problem with lighting for runways and PAPI, it was just the taxiways that were dark. There was never a NOTAM.

I'm wondering if that's common.

The only thing I can think of is a loophole in the requirements if something isn't mentioned in the chart supplement (taxiway edge lights aren't mentioned in the supplement for this airport). Otherwise, the FAA does mention NOTAMs for taxiway edge lighting.

Just wondering how serious of an issue something must be for airports to be required to disclose it in a NOTAM.
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No one much cared when the runway lights were out at my homedrome for a while.
One of those nights I was working in my hangar, storms all around and heard a twin turboprop circling overhead, I thought he was pretty eager to find a safe place to put down for the night considering the lightning and wind but he gave up and found some other place as there were no crash reports the next day. Sometimes the airport directors are asleep on the job. Yes, I did raise the issue but I can't say it was welcome information so <shrug>?
Depends on the type of airport. If it is a commercial service airport, then yes a NOTAM must be issued, and probably result in closing the taxiway.

GA airport vary a lot. Some never issue NOTAMs at all, which isn't good practice. Some states try to regulate and inspect GA airports since the FAA doesn't, but that is state dependent.
Taxiway lights at my local airport quit working one night while I was doing some night landings, and they were still out a week later when I returned from a trip. No problem with lighting for runways and PAPI, it was just the taxiways that were dark. There was never a NOTAM.

I'm wondering if that's common.

The only thing I can think of is a loophole in the requirements if something isn't mentioned in the chart supplement (taxiway edge lights aren't mentioned in the supplement for this airport). Otherwise, the FAA does mention NOTAMs for taxiway edge lighting.

Just wondering how serious of an issue something must be for airports to be required to disclose it in a NOTAM.
Depends on airport management but I will say no NOTAM for taxiway lights inop
The airport manager has to take action to establish, and later remove, the NOTAM. Bring it to their attention.