OP here, some responses:
Oh, but first: Thanks for listening and responding. I appreciate your attention and commiserating (or not as the case may be) to the situation.
It's helpful to have others at least understand the issue; even if their response is different.
MMU tower doesn't regulate the departures, its NY approach. Bugging the guy in MMU tower isn't going to help,
Right. MMU ground was nice enough to warn me before I choose to wait.
Wasn’t the airport you were located in the inner core 10 nmr? The TFR provided for very limited IFR and no VFR in that area. Anyway, next time don’t be a dummy and fly into an area covered by a presidential TFR and expect anything. The secret service runs the show.
Nope, my home airport isn't within the 10 mile inner core. Also, I didn't randomly wander into a TFR outer ring; I gotta start here.
The one time was one time. Your complaint involved a multi day TFR. The FAA is not mind readers and cannot predict air traffic demand at every given hour.
The FAA told you they would handle your flight on a workload permitting basis. During the time you selected they were unable to accommodate VFR requests. The simple solution to your issue is an FAA VFR prohibition because the FAA is not going to give you the operational guarantee you desire and every VFR flight is locked out.
The FAA tries to work VFRs in when able. If you don’t understand “workload permitting” that is your issue.
“All OTHER aircraft operating within the outer ring(s) listed above are limited to aircraft arriving or departing local airfields, and workload permitting, ATC may authorize transit operations. Aircraft may not loiter. All aircraft must be on an active IFR or a filed VFR flight plan with a discrete code assigned by an air traffic control (ATC) facility. Aircraft must be squawking the discrete code prior to departure and at all times while in the TFR and
Actually, you're linking the OP (me) and another POA contributor. <shrug> It happens. No biggie. But just to clarify. The workload permitting sounds like it is regarding transit of the TFR; which does not apply to my situation as others have pointed out.
Also, I got my transponder code right away; I filed my VFR flight plan, I wasn't going to loiter or train, or count pigeons or any of the other proscribed behaviors, I was headed out of the TFR and was going to stay away.
I just didn't get the "cleared for takeoff".
New York Approach is the best and worst ATC in the world. Fly in their airspace on the regular and you'll know what I mean.
Very true. I still haven't figured out when I should be persistent about my "Skyhawk Alpha Bravo Charlie 123 four thousand five hundred" and when I should shut up because "I do the talking here." (as told to me by NY Approach when I attempted to check in during a hand off from one NY controller to another).
FWIW, my path would have not included the Class Bravo shelf over our airfield. I'm used to flying under the Bravo to get to where I'm going. I'm not expecting clearance into the Bravo to get to where I'm going, although occasionally I am cleared if it makes their lives easier. North of Teterboro (KTEB), I've been getting cleared into the Bravo so I'm not in the path of those flying an approach into TEB.
Anyway, again: Thanks all for reading, responding or lurking. At the end of the day, I don't think I could have changed what I did or what happened, except maybe give my passenger a book so they would be occupied while we were waiting.