Tied Down
The burden doesn't even have to be placed on the FAA. Simply advise the teams and local law enforcement of the process for filing for a game-related TFR. If the file, they have a TFR, if not they don't.
Congress mandated the TFRs. FAA can't say "if you don't file you don't have one".
Don't put any more on the FAA's plate. They can barely handle what they already have.
FAA has no choice but to either do the job right, or do the job half-assed until they convince Congress to change it. They've apparently chosen half-assed for now. They're not willing to tell Congress "we can't do that".
It's similar to other unfunded mandates. Let's borrow a few more trillions to accomplish the whims of politicians.
This happens in private businesses too. When the shiny new thing the CxO couldn't afford blows up in their face, those folks have parachute clauses and no skin in the game. The company drops the project and moves on.
In politics, the budget just gets bigger on the backs of the taxpayers trying to complete the unreasonable mandate for little benefit to anyone other than the bureaucrats. Or the failed system is used as leverage during elections to go back and forth between the candidates by pointing and saying, "See how ineffective the other guy-gal has been!"
It's a distinct lack of closing the loop back to the personal finances and fates of those who make decisions in both cases.
If failure actually meant personal failure and bankruptcy like the rest of us, things would change.
No skin in the game. Number one problem the Country faces.