Line Up and Wait
Hey y'all,
I'm currently in the midst of my PPL training. I was just curious: how many of you flew different planes while training? I have a knack for flying and have caught on quick (thanks, Flight Sim!). I like our 172R, but I really wanna maybe do a couple cross countries in the Archer we have at the school. Does anybody see anything bad about flying a different plane in training?
I've read up on the Archer. Seems I just have to watch out when doing crosswind landings since the nosewheel steers directly with rudder input as opposed to the 172's rather sluggish nosewheel response (direct connection vs. springs, I believe). Also, the Archer has a different climbout procedure as well as a carburetor instead of fuel injection.
Kind of a dumb thread, but maybe someone has an opinion on this situation, or perhaps a story, etc...
I'm currently in the midst of my PPL training. I was just curious: how many of you flew different planes while training? I have a knack for flying and have caught on quick (thanks, Flight Sim!). I like our 172R, but I really wanna maybe do a couple cross countries in the Archer we have at the school. Does anybody see anything bad about flying a different plane in training?
I've read up on the Archer. Seems I just have to watch out when doing crosswind landings since the nosewheel steers directly with rudder input as opposed to the 172's rather sluggish nosewheel response (direct connection vs. springs, I believe). Also, the Archer has a different climbout procedure as well as a carburetor instead of fuel injection.
Kind of a dumb thread, but maybe someone has an opinion on this situation, or perhaps a story, etc...