So, in relation to the original question at hand, we took the Archer out on a Sunday. I had no problems flying the plane at all and actually had some finesse to my landings. This impressed my instructor since she says most other people simply come in too slow and the plane sinks out of ground effect quickly, slamming into the ground.
Anyway, it didn't eat up any extra time for me to learn the aircraft. I think we spent an extra ten minutes on the ground going over the differences in the way we do the preflight, which things to really check, and messing with the lock because it is flimsy. Otherwise it was an awesome plane to fly. Much more comfortable than the 172, in my opinion; although, it's a bit sluggish on the controls. I got the go ahead to schedule it any time I want!
I think the reason I did so well is that I hit the ground running with the plane, i.e. I studied up on the approach speeds, procedures, emergency procedures, handling characteristics, reviewed the POH, etc. If I just arbitrarily scheduled the plane without any of this prior research, I would have had a harder time learning the plane.
I'm not trying to start a new argument here or anything. I just wanted to revisit my original topic.