Delta Hawk DHK180 for my Socata Tampico TB9, I just paid the deposit

I wonder if I could field approval a Rotax 916 in since the HP is within 10% of stock...
FYI: engine swaps are beyond a the limits of a field approval. It changed about 25 years ago.

You also wont be able to navigate the approval process without the assistance of a DAR and DER unless you want to wait 20 years to complete the project. And even though a One-Only STC cant be sold out right you can sell the data package or develop the data package so that it can role into a Standard STC.

Regardless, in my experience, best first step is to sit down with a local DAR, pay his hour rate, and go over your project plan. He or she should be able to give you a close idea of the specific process you need plus an estimated timeframe and cost. Then you can start to make calculated determinations vs guesses. While it may seem a daunting task its doable and engine swaps are still done on a semi-regular basis across the industry. If you got more questions, post them.
Do you have the power performance curve for the Delta Hawk? It would be interesting to compare that against the Lycoming’s curve to see if even with the max power limitation, the DH produces more power at altitude.
No, but I'll be asking for that next.
I'll also ask if I can post the data I am getting from them.
What I have so far is an eight page data sheet. I was specifically asking about size, weight, and CG so I could start seeing how it would fit & how it would effect the cg. That was when I saw the 5 minute limit at 180hp & 135hp continuous lines.
Yep, that’s the one I have a deposit on.
That thing makes 180 hp? Man, technology these days
Curious, I have been looking around. What os the price for the 180HP version?

2 stroke supercharged, turbocharged. I sure love the old Detroit 2 stroke line. The DD 8V92 TA's we had in one boat ran like scalded apes and sounded so good doing so.
Im pretty pumped on this engine, even though I could probably never afford one. It seems ideal compared to the lycosaurs that are less efficient.
I got some confirmation on some info today.
Looking at Q2 2025 for first delivery. :(
No options for a vacuum system according to the guy I was talking to. Not an issue for me. I am about to put in two G5s and dropping my vacuum system.
They are getting two higher HP engines certified in the future, but it will be later in 2025.
The latest approved block will do 180HP up to 6,000 feet. Decays down to 150HP at 12,000 feet. Waaayyyyy better than my O-320.
My O-320-D2A starts at 160HP, is down to 135HP at 4500 feet, and just keeps going down from there.
About 410 pounds FWF without the prop. Includes the engine mount and cowling. That is significantly heavier than my current engine.
Diesels go farther on a given weight of fuel, correct?
Not sure about that, I do know Jet A has more energy density than avgas but that density generates a weight penalty which is not insignificant for a full fuel load in a typical GA aircraft.
Diesels go farther on a given weight of fuel, correct?
Based on the numbers they published, the increased fuel economy per gallon at a given HP outweighs the increased weight of that gallon of fuel.
I’m traveling now so can’t access my numbers, but I think it was a 10% decrease in fuel burn by weight for a given HP. Obviously being able to push out more HP would burn more fuel, but that is expected.
Just this morning I was thinking about this topic.... well really the more general diesel vs context is daydreaming about homebuilt...
still your decision tree list is interesting

I was asking myself why more folks aren't using diesels?....
generally cheaper, as you said
jet A is a bit heavier per gallon, so that's a hit
but Jet A has more BTU's energy per gallon, and I recon that's what drives the increased efficiency. I haven't done the math, but could you could carry fewer gallons of jet A at the same weight as full gasoline for equal energy.... so it would be a wash?

you seem to be weighting the constant power to altitude heavily in your equation.... couldn't you get the same (or at least similar) from a turbo gasser?

Does a diesel have the same 'simple' set-up in that a traditional Av engine will keep running without electrical power, etc..?
Jet-A and diesel fuel are denser than gasoline, but have more energy per gallon (quite a bit) though only slightly more energy per pound. But the engine itself is more efficient, by a good amount. Look at the performance of the DA62, which is underpowered compared to a Baron, but in the real world, a fuel sipper.
It's about .7 pounds more per gallon of jet a vs avgas. So at 100 gallons of tank available it's only 70 lbs difference.
If you wanna go for the Rotax route, better look at Edge too. 180 ponies. The coming 918 TI model looks like it’s probably going to be 200.

I don't get on Facebook so didn't see that, just checked their website.