
I'm not generally one for road rage, but I did pass a car one time on the left-hand shoulder of I-35 between OKC and Dallas with the wife (then gf) in the truck. We had been stuck behind a car in the left lane that WOULD NOT pass the car in the right lane for over 10 miles and was driving under the speed limit as well. There was a line in both lanes over 10 cars deep and I still to this day don't know what that guy was doing. However, I decided I'd had enough and passed the car in front of me and the offending left lane strangler by driving on the left shoulder (driver's side tires in the gravel). I'm sure the pea gravel peppered the hell out of the guy holding everyone up, but I was hauling tail by that point. My wife was laughing because she'd never seen me get that aggressive in a car. It didn't seem to cause her much mental anguish. I did see the guy finally move over after I was 1/2 mile down the road still putting distance on that bag of crazy.

I can see Mark doing something like that. He is a bit aggressive in the car and when younger was much more so. But he’s the opposite as a pilot, extremely careful and conservative. The way he flies and the way he drives you’d think he was two different people.
Something like that, I can’t remember the details either. I think when they got back to camp they had a big fight.
Or is it the one where they got back to camp and everybody else was complaining about “trivial” stuff and they exchanged a knowing look?
I can see Mark doing something like that. He is a bit aggressive in the car and when younger was much more so. But he’s the opposite as a pilot, extremely careful and conservative. The way he flies and the way he drives you’d think he was two different people.

That pretty much nails me to a T. Very careful and conservative flier, but on my own in the car or on the bike I can have my moments...
Or is it the one where they got back to camp and everybody else was complaining about “trivial” stuff and they exchanged a knowing look?

I think it's the episode where Donald Penobscott had accidentally sent Margaret a letter he intended for his mistress.
Hahaha! Funny how that works. With us I guess I went from “cutie” mode to “wife” mode early. A few days before the wedding he passed three cars on a two lane in a manner less conservative than how I thought he should and I got so mad I demanded he stop the car and let me out. We were on a lonely country road. I ended up fuming by the side of the road for a few minutes while he cajoled me back in the car. The weird thing is he married me anyway.

Funny, yes...

I was... how to put it.... a little aggressive driving in my younger years. I lost a few girl friends who demanded I stop the car so they could get out. Then they watched me drive away. My wife still gets on to me about being too aggressive while driving. She never saw me race.

In the plane I am totally opposite. I take pride in giving my passengers a smooth and boring ride.
Funny, yes...

I was... how to put it.... a little aggressive driving in my younger years. I lost a few girl friends who demanded I stop the car so they could get out. Then they watched me drive away. My wife still gets on to me about being too aggressive while driving. She never saw me race.

In the plane I am totally opposite. I take pride in giving my passengers a smooth and boring ride.

A few years ago my wife and I were on vacation and one evening I was driving my Mini in the NC mountains. Now I was going a bit quick, but nowhere near race speeds. Maybe doing 8/10 or so, not flying on the straights but a little hot into the curves, just having fun. My wife was sitting quietly but hanging onto the grab strap. After about 20 minutes, she said quietly, "Next week we should call a lawyer about making a will."
That pretty much nails me to a T. Very careful and conservative flier, but on my own in the car or on the bike I can have my moments...

Yup, me as well. Although when I'm in non-sporty vehicles I'm generally pretty reserved. The Excursion or the crew cab truck aren't usually too thrilling to toss around the curves. Bikes/sports cars are a different animal altogether when there are open roads and sparse traffic. Flying a plane I'm about the most risk-averse guy out there, lol. I don't fly unless it's CAVU and my bank angles/descent rates stay pretty tame with passengers.
A few years ago my wife and I were on vacation and one evening I was driving my Mini in the NC mountains. Now I was going a bit quick, but nowhere near race speeds. Maybe doing 8/10 or so, not flying on the straights but a little hot into the curves, just having fun. My wife was sitting quietly but hanging onto the grab strap. After about 20 minutes, she said quietly, "Next week we should call a lawyer about making a will."
Maybe your kids will get you like a Porsche model whatever for Christmas. One of them on steroids ones. And consider it a short term investment:goofy:
Maybe your kids will get you like a Porsche model whatever for Christmas. One of them on steroids ones. And consider it a short term investment:goofy:

I was expecting @2-Bit Speed to give me one of the new mid-engine ‘vettes for Christmas but he let me down.
S01E07 of 1883 has a scene where an unlikely couple starts kissing as a tornado passes over them. Amorous desires triggered by traumatic events is clearly a real thing ;)

I've really liked 1883. The last episode was a little disappointing. If the book "Evening of the Summer Moon" is to believed, there's no way the Comanche's behaved as depicted.
Got to love this place. A "DELETED" post has five pages. I haven't searched, but has someone inserted "BONANZA" yet? VTF is evil?
what about the Mooney?
Got to love this place. A "DELETED" post has five pages. I haven't searched, but has someone inserted "BONANZA" yet? VTF is evil?

You missed the picture. Thread was re-titled after deletion of the picture and the majority of posts.