Cap'n Jack
Final Approach
The extra restrictions are temorary for the joint session of congress
No General Aviation IFR/VFR flights will be authorized to transit through the DC SFRA.
Special Flights or Operations are not authorized ANYWHERE within the SFRA/FRZ
[FONT=Arial,Arial]Flight training, practice instrument approaches, aerobatic flight, glider operations, parachute operations, ultralight, hang gliding, lighter than air operations, balloon/moored balloon operations, agriculture/crop dusting, animal population control flight operations, banner towing operations, utility line/pipeline inspection flights, model aircraft operations, model rocketry and unmanned aerial systems.
All flight waivers to operate within the SFRA/FRZ are temporarily suspended during the time of this NOTAM, except waivers beginning with ELO, GOV or SPO.
The NOTAMs discussed in this advisory may change with little or no notice. Pilots are advised to check NOTAMs frequently for possible changes prior to operations in the area. Pilots are strongly advised to contact a Flight Service Station at 1-800-WX-BRIEF (1-800-992-7433) prior to flight to check for all current NOTAMS.