Darwin Award Winners


Final Approach
Mar 4, 2020
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Dale Andee
So many emotions come along from stories like this. Just yesterday someone was heard telling the children, "do not play with fireworks, let the drunk adults do it." :oops:

Here is an incredible story from yesterday, the fourth of July, to begin a series of Darwin award winners:

The saddest part of this incident is that the surviving family will probably sue the fireworks manufacturer and retailer for...and likely recover...damages.

You can never make something idiot proof as someone else will always make a better idiot.
".....died after igniting a “large firework device” and setting in on top of his head. The coroner says the firework exploded on top of his head and caused extreme head injuries.

Witnesses told investigators that the injuries were a result of a fireworks accident."

those are some pretty sharp witnesses.
"...died after igniting a “large firework device” and setting in on top of his head."

"Witnesses told investigators that the injuries were a result of a fireworks accident."

Two statements at odds with each other. At least he was the only casualty.

(Side note: when typing the word "he" I thought about going back to the article to make sure it was actually a male, but then decided I really already knew the answer to that)
Two cliches that this guy actually fit:

1) "You can have my fireworks when you pry them from my cold, dead, hands."
2) He died doing what he loved.
And his BAC was..............

He obviously did not consent to a field sobriety test.
Nope. It would only be accidental if he meant to place the firework somewhere else and it unintentionally landed on his head. Stuff like that is where the term “mishap” fits well.

"Mishap" seems a bit too soft. Maybe "unplanned suicide".....