Daily Pic

This guy was cuttin' a rug up at H96. Looked like he was having a blast.

And the Amish folks were headed to one of the vehicles in the other pic...


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Flew into St Paul Downtown Airport (KSTP) this morning. Since I had passengers, there are some good action shots!

Approaching the Twin cities from the SE (St Paul in the foreground)

Turning base, Minneapolis in the distance

Turning base to final, Runway 14

St Paul off the starboard side

Short final runway 14 snaps
The plane spotting thread reminded me I took a picture at RAP of the oldest 737 I've seen in the wild:
Flew into St Paul Downtown Airport (KSTP) this morning. Since I had passengers, there are some good action shots!

Turning base to final, Runway 14
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That's my home base for work. What were you in town for? There's a huge "Back to the 50's" car show at the State Fair grounds this weekend.
Yesterday was beautiful, today is forecast to be hot.
That's my home base for work. What were you in town for? There's a huge "Back to the 50's" car show at the State Fair grounds this weekend.
Yesterday was beautiful, today is forecast to be hot.
Primary mission was to drag the family to a new state/city for some museums (Grain Mill, etc) and river front. There was also a nice art fair this weekend. My family gets extra motivation (and therefore tolerance for riding GA) when new states and cities are marked off of the list.

Secondary mission was for them to experience the glory of a 6 place (Saratoga) vs the usual 4 place (Arrow II) and gain more support as I inch closer to buying *something*.
My usual viewpoint of St Paul MN after taking off on 32 and climbing out southbound.
Looking straight west with STP at the bottom and MSP airport top left. Both downtowns are STP right center and MSP top right, with the Mississippi River winding inbetween.
Taken on 1-3-2019IMG_3930.JPG
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SoCal area
Great pics and nice panel! Does that say "Neal Aviation" on it?? I was just in Fallbrook yesterday, walked into town for lunch - recommend Garden Tree Cafe

Walking back out to the plane a small tail wheel departed, looked like a Citabria (?), and the dude dropped his tailwheel! Grabbed the wheel and a small part which looked like a sheered bolt and was able to call the guy on the radio, he didn't see too concerned! Anyway, if you're reading this we left the wheel by the fuel dock as requested

This past Saturday night, 9:30 PM. One of the longest days of the year. Flew all 3 days this past weekend, 10 landings all turf at 3 different airports. Friday night I flew until almost 11PM.

I got to put on new tires one of these days soon. They were new summer 2018, mostly bald now.
This past Saturday night, 9:30 PM. One of the longest days of the year. Flew all 3 days this past weekend, 10 landings all turf at 3 different airports. Friday night I flew until almost 11PM.

I got to put on new tires one of these days soon. They were new summer 2018, mostly bald now.

That is awesome!
Great pics and nice panel! Does that say "Neal Aviation" on it?? I was just in Fallbrook yesterday, walked into town for lunch - recommend Garden Tree Cafe

Walking back out to the plane a small tail wheel departed, looked like a Citabria (?), and the dude dropped his tailwheel! Grabbed the wheel and a small part which looked like a sheered bolt and was able to call the guy on the radio, he didn't see too concerned! Anyway, if you're reading this we left the wheel by the fuel dock as requested

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It’s actually “NextGen Aviation.” It’s a 1967 Arrow but there is nothing 67 about it. Never been to Fallbrook but will have to check that cafe out soon. Thanks for the tip!
It’s actually “NextGen Aviation.” It’s a 1967 Arrow but there is nothing 67 about it. Never been to Fallbrook but will have to check that cafe out soon. Thanks for the tip!
Well she looks fantastic!
That is awesome!
Thank you,
Last night did some low and slow stuff over the country side...ok I am always slow in my 172! lol
It always looks farther away in pictures but I was trying to take pictures on short final to this turf airport. You get to fly through peoples front yards to get in there.

Fly around the trees along the river on approach.



Green green green.

There is a airport hiding behind those trees.

Lets go around those trees instead of over the top.

Flew 2.4 last night after work, it was hot out. 5 turf landings at 2 different airports and 10 at my home airport going both ways. Flew till dark, love these long days. It was a good workout.
This picture is during my flare, I'd guess I was 3 feet off the turf?

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Amazing pics, countryside, and airports.
Got a gopro and a mount for the rear tie down. Haven't used it for a few years. Got to remember to charge it up and mount it for some of this.
My Ho hum home airport, do have to fly over trees both ends.

4000' of smoothness and fresh cut grass. Last night a swarm of ultra lights showed up, mostly un announced. I got out of there after the first 2 showed up landing opposite ways from each other. I heard more coming.
I think the year was 2013, but could be wrong, a group of ultra lights, and small planes just decided to drop into my private little grass strip. It was actually a lot of fun, but interesting to see them landing less than 300' apart. They sure don't need much room. One guy, obviously not experienced, made about 5 fly overs in his 185 before attempting to land, it was a good landing from the stand point the plane was still flyable after, otherwise it was terrible. He was really nervous about leaving again, I told him that it would be very easy, and asked if he would like to go do a few take off and landings with me accompanying him. He said yes please, and after a few, he felt much better.
Our last one was a full stop, no backtracking, and take off from where we got stopped, that proved to him that his 185 was a lot more capable than he gave it credit. He swore 1600 feet of grass was impossible to land on, stop, and take off again.
When they finally left, he was smiling and calm, knowing that he had way more room than required, especially being very light weight.
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Beating the heat by flying at night... I'm glad we don't have any mountains here.


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On final at KIND for the Runway lunch/FAAST thingy. Thanks to David (@N4984R) for inviting and riding along.
Rick (@X3 Skier) was signed up, but has somehow discovered a new cloaking technology, as we were never able to see him.


Gettin the heck outta Dodge...
Looked far worse than it actually was, but trying to avoid this can cause umm 'constipation'.
I guess on the flipside not avoiding could relieve it. ;)
